SUBMARINES must be able to talk securely with remote naval bases while remaining submerged. Could quantum communications allow them to pull off this technically challenging feat?
The Chinese researchers hope to use the satellite and quantum communications to establish secure transmissions between two ground sites.
NuCrypt's proprietary "AlphaEta" quantum-noise randomized, physical-layer encryption technology represents a new paradigm in ultra-secure, high data-rate optical communications.
This scheme is secure absolutely, it can be applied in a quantum communication network, as well as quantum identification, and it is easy to realize by the present-day technologies.
The quantum communication network marries a variety of GHZ states to well establish the secure key distribution system employed in conjunction with the nodes and control centers.
The scheme can be applied in the distributed quantum communication network. It is proved unconditional secure.
Based on the order rearrangement of single photon sequence, we present a multiparty controlled quantum secure direct communication protocol.
Quantum cryptography is considered as a promising solution towards absolute security in communication systems.
Then a controlled quantum secure direct communication scheme is presented based on the teleportation.
It provides a new way of thinking and a new method for managing the key safely for the quantum secret communication.
An article about the Chinese program published by the journal Nature in July said any tinkering with quantum communications would be detectable, which is why the method is secure.
Quantum cryptography and computer cryptography are two branches of cryptography at the same age. Quantum cryptography based on the quantum mechanics can achieve unconditionally secure communications.
Nevertheless, quantum cryptography, which is based on quantum physics, has been proved to be an effective technique for secure key distribution.
Quantum communication is an unconditional secure communication manner using qubits to transmit information.
Quantum cryptograph has extraordinary adaptability to the optical communication and unconditional security which classical cryptography has been striving for.
Quantum cryptography communication system is based on principles of quantum mechanics, thereby it can provide absolute security of information.
Quantum cryptography provides a new method for absolutely secure communication, which is guaranteed by the inviolability of a Law of Nature, and any advanced technologies cannot decipher it.
In the new protocol we raised, QKD is used in both authentication and data encryption in order to ensure the absolute security of wireless communications.
A quantum secure direct communication protocol using EPR pairs and single photon is proposed. Analysis results show that the protocol is secure.
A quantum secure direct communication protocol using EPR pairs and single photon is proposed. Analysis results show that the protocol is secure.