• 人们必须这个世界上敲出自己多余理想主义意味着完美统治世界。

    One must be either hammer or anvil in this world, and too great an excess of idealism only means that the unideal people shall rule the world.


  • 一个完美家庭拥有完美身材,从事自己理想事业达到了自己的理财目标——这多么完美的生活

    Imagine your life as perfect, as if you already had the perfect family situation, were in perfect shape, had your dream career and had accomplished your financial goals.


  • 大脑分泌大量胺多酚,沉浸强烈的感官愉悦享受中对方就是完美的理想的、就是你的真命天子。

    In this stage of relationship, endorphins soak your brain and you're immersed in intense pleasurable sensations. Your lover is perfect, ideal, made for you.


  • 如今我们建立一个更加完美联邦理想成了全球使命

    Our mission to form a more perfect union is now a global one.


  • 爱迪生为了找到完美纤维,辛苦地工作着,发现理想材料一种日本纤维之前,他尝试过碳化纤维、须发非常名片

    Edison also worked hardest to find the perfect filament, trying carbonised thread, beard-hair and very tightly rolled calling CARDS, before lighting on the ideal material, bamboo from Japan.


  • 洛克赞成“或然性”,笛卡尔则有着一个理想——知识完美非常坚定的理想

    Locke is also a probablist whereas Descartes has an ideal of perfect knowledge, absolutely incontrovertible certainty.


  • 女孩子在五岁的时候就开始幻想她的婚礼了,她们要完美婚礼,最理想地方,更重要的,她们想要一个真正懂得这场仪式对她多大意义的人来托付终身。

    We dreamed about the perfect wedding, and the perfect place, w. But the most important part is that we had the perfect guy who understood just how important all that other stuff was.


  • 完美的理想世界中,每个全天24小时都可以想用干净水资源网络化下水道服务

    In the perfect world, everyone would have 24-hour access to clean water and networked sanitation services.


  • 他们想要理想运动场比如海滩不是完美设计空间

    What they want is an ideal playground - a beach, for instance - and not a perfectly designed space.


  • 或许只是爱情理想化了,一如很多作家的笔下的爱情,都是完美的不下任何

    Or perhaps just people have idealized love, and like many writers write about love, is perfect, can not tolerate any defects.


  • 天气条件必须理想安伊游泳与相关飞机同步性必须是完美的

    Weather conditions had to be ideal, and the synchronization of Ane's swims, related to the jets, had to be perfect.


  • 不管想法完美的度假拉米森精品酒店理想的酒店选择。

    No matter your idea of the perfect vacation, La Mision hotel Boutique is the ideal hotel choice.


  • 然而对于一段理想婚姻完美的年龄仍旧是新郎新娘因为这样丈夫热情财政稳定

    Yet the perfect age gap for an ideal partnership still consists of the groom being older than the bride which must work due to the husband being more emotionally and financially stable.


  • 司法资源有限性,决定了实体公正程序公正,安全自由皆完美的实现只能一种理想的状态。

    In criminal procedure, the values of procedural justice and substantive justice, freedom and safety are not always in harmony while contradiction and conflict are found in many occasions.


  • 真的特别喜欢其中一些用户体验情景支持设计,例如:最主要的精灵球按钮完美的工艺化设计,并被放在理想位置点,特别适合单手操作。

    I actually really like some of the major UX affordances such as the main Pokeball button being ergonomically placed in the optimal spot for one-handed play.


  • 理想完美的幸福什么?个人一起幻想之旅

    What is your idea of perfect happiness? A flight of fancy with one or two others.


  • 一部爱情喜剧35岁的男子妻子抛弃然后爱上邻居,一个完美的理想中的女人

    This is a romantic comedy, a 35-year-old man his wife left, then he fell in love with the neighbors, a perfect ideal woman.


  • 我们准备好去表现自己时,我们总是想得理想今天发表完美的演讲,叫客户观众叫绝不已,买我的帐。

    As we ready ourselves for a "performance," we envision the ideal: today I will deliver the perfect speech, and the client or audience will be so wowed, they will be sold.


  • 一部爱情喜剧35男子妻子抛弃然后他就爱上邻居,一个完美的理想中的女人

    A romantic comedy in which a 35-year old man is abandoned by his wife and falls in love with his neighbor, a perfect, ideal woman.


  • 不同国家可能选择不同方法达到这些详细而明确特征,但是,最理想和最完美的仍旧是相同的。

    The ways in which different nationalities choose to pursue achieving these specific characteristics might differ from country to country, but the breed ideal remains the same the world over.


  • 完美的品质精湛的技术高档配置优质服务赢得广大客户信赖支持成为中国用户理想选择

    With perfect quality, exquisite technology, high-grade configuration, quality service to win the trust and support of customers, and has become China's user's ideal choice.


  • 我们完美的设计透明报价高效管理高品质工艺用心创建理想健康居室空间”,是您选择我们最佳理由

    Our perfect design, transparent quotation, high-efficient management, high-quality craft, diligently establish "ideal healthy room space" for you, will be the best reason that you choose us.


  • Kelly发现理想设立准备午饭,为名青少年毗邻圆桌会议,凳子完美搭配,能够上学迅速地吃个早餐

    Kelly has found this is the ideal set-up for making lunches for her two teenagers, while the adjacent round table with stools is the perfect spot for a quick breakfast before school.


  • 本机一台理想纸机,广泛适用于裁切各类纸品、支革制品其他软性材料制品抢救无等。华隆切纸机完美的配置、卓越的性能、优良的服务兴旺发达作出我们的贡献。

    This machine is an ideal paper cutter, widely applicable to any kinds of paper, leather product and other soft materials. Hua Long paper cutter is configurated to you business.


  • 如果树立积极品牌创造一个完美的产品实现一个理想销售数字,品物设计机构都可以帮助你。

    If you want to set up a famous brand, create a perfect product and win a desirable sales figure, per Design can help you.


  • 如果树立积极品牌创造一个完美的产品、实现一个理想销售数字设计机构都可以帮助你。

    If you want to set up a famous brand, create a perfect product and win a desirable sales figure, TOPID Design can help you.


  • 智能控制程序逻辑清晰实用高效使动力输出传动比变化达到一种近乎完美的理想状态

    The logic of the intelligent control programme is clearly, practical and high efficiency, making the output of power and the change of transmission ratio achieve a perfect state.


  • 个问题怎样才算是完美持续的、高效的、环境优美的和理想城市呢?

    The question is: what are the characteristics of an ideal, sustainable, efficient, environmentally-friendly, optimal city?


  • 个问题怎样才算是完美持续的、高效的、环境优美的和理想城市呢?

    The question is: what are the characteristics of an ideal, sustainable, efficient, environmentally-friendly, optimal city?


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