• 它们宗教仪式使用数千

    They were used in religious rituals for thousands of years.


  • 陶瓷器皿一些宗教仪式扮演重要角色

    Pots played an important part in some religious ceremonies.


  • 他们可能熟悉民歌流行故事电影中的宗教仪式

    They are perhaps more at home in folk songs, in popular tales and the ritual dramas of films.


  • 大多数允许习俗规定的宗教仪式少数要求仪式宗教的。

    Most states permit either a civil or religious ceremony, but a few require the ceremony to be religious.


  • 我们攀登之前,我们会举行宗教仪式上帝请求许可安全通过

    Before we climb, we perform religious ceremonies to ask god for permission and a safe passage.


  • 为什么戏剧会发展以及为什么戏剧完全脱离宗教仪式以后还有这么价值

    Why did theater develop, and why was it valued after it ceased to fulfill the function of ritual?


  • 尽管戏剧起源于宗教仪式说法目前大众认可但这并非戏剧起源的唯一定论。

    Although origin in ritual has long been the most popular, it is by no means the only theory about how the theater came into being.


  • 19世纪末20世纪初人类学家们拥护广为接受理论认为,戏剧起源于神话宗教仪式

    The most widely accepted theory, championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, envisions theater as emerging out of myth and ritual.


  • 催眠瑜伽席尔瓦精神控制、宗教仪式信仰治疗成功建议有关它们技巧似乎不是必要的。

    Hypnosis, yoga, Silva mind-control, religious ceremonies and faith healing are all associated with successful suggestion, but none of their techniques seem to be essential to it.


  • 净化去除邪恶罪恶宗教含义世界范围内,宗教仪式团队公开组建的主要形式之一并不奇怪

    The term "catharsis" has religious implications of removing evil and sin; it's no surprise that religious ceremonies are, around the world, one of the main settings for the release of the team.


  • 长达1小时宗教仪式之后遗体送往城南座公墓里。

    After the hour-long service, his body was taken to a cemetery in the south of the city.


  • 那些围绕宗教仪式衍生的传说可能作为群体口述习俗一部分流传下去甚至可能脱离这些仪式的情况表现出来

    The myths that have grown up around the rites may continue as part of the group's oral tradition and may even come to be acted out under conditions divorced from these rites.


  • 文章通过宗教仪式进行人类学意义上的解读分析社会功能

    This paper analyzes the social functions of religious rites through an anthropological interpretation of them.


  • 宗教仪式包括唱歌、英语口语学习听讲有时光是听传教士布道。

    Religious services include the singing of songs and listening to speakers, sometimes referred to as preachers.


  • 而在今天制造响声与其说宗教仪式,不如说是一种风俗习惯

    Today, making noise is more of a custom than a religious ritual.


  • 因为磕头下跪屈服举动频繁用于宗教仪式,所以习惯于耗费大量时间下跪。

    Get used to spending a lot of time on your knees because ACTS of submission such as bowing and kneeling are frequently incorporated into religious practice.


  • 婆罗门印度教四个阶级中的最高阶级,负责执掌宗教仪式学习教授《吠陀经》。

    Brahmin:The first of the four Hindu classes, responsible for officiATing AT religious rites and studying and teaching the Vedas.


  • 传统意义上强调除夕夜庆祝活动祭拜天地家里供奉神仙家庭先祖宗教仪式

    The New Year's Eve celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.


  • 一些美国人感恩节前一天或是感恩节的早上参加宗教仪式还有长途跋涉他们的家人团聚

    Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving, or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families.


  • 是的尽管有不少日本虔诚信徒,大多数年轻人只是宗教仪式看成一种习惯

    Right. Of course, some of us count on faith as their spiritual guide. However, many youths have positioned a religious act as a custom.


  • 一个通过玩耍祷告传统宗教仪式旅行社交特别是作者看到记录故事

    It is a story of survival through play, prayer, tradition, rituals, travels, socializing and especially, a special light, that the author of the exhibition sees and records so well.


  • 她们照看圣火,主持一些宗教仪式享有无可辩驳的特权称为“古罗马解放妇女”。

    On the one hand, they maintained the holy fire, took charge of various cults, enjoyed an indisputable privilege and were called the most "emancipated" women in ancient Rome.


  • 比如艺术鉴赏力、对宗教仪式了解;以及未卜先知、天眼通达世情、谦卑有礼等等。

    A man of practice hence possesses naturally of various abilities, such as art, understanding of religious rite, prophecy, heaven eye and ear, apprehension of world rules, modesty and courtesy.


  • 毫无疑问,在生理上完全禁食非常困难所有宗教仪式一样,人们自省本质是从身心改变自己

    Physical abstinence is undoubtedly difficult but like all rituals, the period of self-reflection is essentially about transforming oneself both in body and soul.


  • 一方面,这种重复行为榜样体现宗教仪式重复性这种可重复性也是所有衍生媒体复制技术基础

    For another, the role model for this repetition is found in the repeatability of religious rituals, which is the foundation for the emergence of all subsequent medial reproduction technologies.


  • 印度几个大小城市一些非法烟花制作工厂用来节日结婚宗教仪式。一些非法工厂自己家里

    Several big cities and small towns of India have illegal factories making fireworks, which are used during festivals, weddings and religious ceremonies. Some illegal workshops operate in homes.


  • 印度几个大小城市一些非法烟花制作工厂用来节日结婚宗教仪式。一些非法工厂自己家里

    Several big cities and small towns of India have illegal factories making fireworks, which are used during festivals, weddings and religious ceremonies. Some illegal workshops operate in homes.


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