• 同时,一种认知科学家研究合理性称为认识合理性,这种合理性关注是我们的信念如何映现于实在的世界结构

    The other aspect of rationality studied by cognitive scientists is termed epistemic rationality. This aspect of rationality concerns how well beliefs map onto the actual structure of the world.


  • 管理给出实在世界更是一种如何在现存世界贯穿观点、人态度、人的理想标尺以及如何进一步升华人性,提高人生价值精神意境。

    Management shows us not only a true world, but also a spirit state of how to run through the marks of individual's opinion, attitude and idea and a way to promote humanity and the value of life.


  • 忙于两个分离世界-当代艺术犹太教-日常生活功能性层面它们实在不到一块。

    I was occupying two separate worlds - contemporary art and Judaism - and at the level of daily functionality, they don't really mix well.


  • 可以世界很多城市里发现印度或者泰国餐馆的踪影,它们实在太受欢迎了。

    You will find Indian and/or Thai restaurants in so many cities in the world it’s crazy.


  • 起来像是陈词滥调,[]世界实在了,美国职责几乎无处不在

    It sounds almost banal to say, [but] it's a really big world out there, and the United States has responsibilities practically everywhere.


  • 世界任何一家餐厅都有沙拉沙拉实在不错。

    Salads are available in virtually every restaurant in the world. Eat a big enough salad and it is quite filling.


  • 看来,认为世界少了一个普普通通没有工作热情医生,实在不值一提的小事。

    In me, I think the world lost a mediocre doctor who's heart would not be in healing - so it was no great loss.


  • 笛卡尔的本体论中,世界只有实体心灵物质上帝

    In fact, in Cartesian ontology there are only three kinds of substance: mind, matter and God.


  • 这些卓有成效合作国人民带来了实在利益,也促进了世界和平稳定繁荣

    The effective cooperation in these areas has brought tangible benefits to both peoples and contributed to world peace, stability and prosperity.


  • 双鱼妈妈是个天生空想家,渴望生活奇幻世界应该选择一些实在在的东西作为礼物,帮助她们暂时远离幻想。

    As Piscean mothers are daydreamers and live in the world of fantasy, they should be gifted something which is calming and soothing. It will help her to escape for the time being.


  • 有些人感觉他们国家实在太小,在世界无足轻重于是欧洲的联合中争得权力。

    Some feel their countries are too small to count in the world, so seek a share of a European superpower.


  • 虽然迄今尚未报告有疾病暴发情况世界卫生组织流离失所者营地孤立腹泻病例有所增加

    While no disease outbreaks have been reported so far, WHO confirms an increase in isolated cases of diarrhoeal diseases in camps for displaced people.


  • 由于他们掌握的技能实在有限可以想象他们“连抓”的情景,这正是他们通常用来探索世界的方式。

    With a rather limited repertoire, you can expect infants to exercise the "grab and gum" schema quite often as they explore the world.


  • 一些美食家看来,台北拥有世界好吃中餐,所以台北展开一次美食之旅实在合适不过了。

    For a city with a reputation among some foodies for having some of the world's best Chinese food, an eating tour of Taipei is highly appropriate.


  • 然而,这个世界上,只有少数几个精挑细地方那里,音乐文化才成为真正实在魅力

    Yet it's only in a few select spots around the world that the culture of music becomes a truly tangible attraction.


  • 我来说好的经历这么聪明学生,这么多有趣的想法,这么多世界社会变化激情拥有这些实在太好了

    It's an overwhelming experience for me so many bright students so many interesting ideas and so many such deep passion for social change in the world It's great to have.


  • 事实上,就现在说事来讲不是很喜欢虚拟这个因为一说到“虚拟空间好像在说真实,不重要,只有实在在的物理空间才是唯一真实世界

    Actually, I don't like the term "virtual" in this context, for it suggests that virtual space is somehow secondary or unreal and that physical space is the only real and true one.


  • 图像实在令人着迷—世界原有国界正在消失的图像;一个交流、联系竞争无处不在的世界

    The image was mesmerizinga picture of a world where old boundaries are disappearing; a world where communication, connection, and competition can come from anywhere.


  • 如果商业上可行的话,将来有一世界各地煤炭发电厂的附近都会附设进行碳清洁的藻类暖房藻类池塘

    If it proves commercially feasible, coal plants around the world could one day be flanked by carbon-cleaning algae greenhouses or ponds.


  • 我们动物,我们是实实在在存在的,所以我们物理世界占据位置

    Now, we are animals, we are physical, and so we occupy positions in physical space.


  • 改变世界阻碍并非人类的冷漠,而是世界实在复杂

    The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity.


  • 完美主义者愿意别人分享自己觉得完美的作品,而这样一个充斥着完美主义者的世界里,事情变好的最好的办法就是实在亲手实践

    In a world filled with perfectionists who don't want to share what they've created with anyone unless they think it is perfect, the best way to get better is actually with hands-on practice.


  • 世界许多大城市相比伦敦天空实在平淡无奇。

    COMPARED with many of the world's great cities, London's skyline is rather dull.


  • 可能从来没有求职简历这种内容,但是有些人确他们简历中列出了其在《魔兽世界中的角色等级种族。

    You don't see that written on anyone's resume, but apparently some folks do list the level and class of their World of Warcraft characters.


  • 发现世界各地家里办公设计师找到坐在公司桌子前的设计师优秀的实在很容易。

    I've found that it is often easier to find examples of quality designers in home offices around the world than sitting at the desks of large firms.


  • 重要是,那条虚线显示,2010年的气温第二世界大战以来上升0.8C而今我们经历这种升温

    Crucially, for the year 2010, that dotted line showed there would be a rise of 0.8c since the Second World War - which is exactly what we are experiencing today.


  • 重要是,那条虚线显示,2010年的气温第二世界大战以来上升0.8C而今我们经历这种升温

    Crucially, for the year 2010, that dotted line showed there would be a rise of 0.8c since the Second World War - which is exactly what we are experiencing today.


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