Saving energy and electricity are very important measures for the transform of economic increase.
Spain's economy now has to figure out how it will grow using whatever capital it has left.
In the first 20 years of this century, it is possible economy grows 4 times, but energy demand grows only 2 time.
Imposing more order and regulations would promote cost reduction, and help the country's economy to focus on cleaner ways to grow.
How can clean technology entrepreneurs in China access the capital and domain knowhow they need to grow and commercialize?
The latter are supposed to plot ways they will grow more through domestic consumption and less through exports.
Therefore, constructing the lifetime education system and implementing the lifetime education strategy is the inevitable choice in realizing economic growth and social progress.
Facing on the pressure of resources and environment, we should be achieving the transit of economic growth mode from the extensive to the intensive as quickly as possible.
Enterprises need to further transform the mode of economic growth, rely on technological progress, and raise efficiency to achieve economic growth.
First time take that reducing the unit GDP energy consumption 20% as an important quantification target for economic developing.
Australia was one of the few rich countries to weather the global downturn without slipping into recession in 2009.
There seems to be a new basis for trust and we have to work to announce it, to strengthen it and to build new growth and jobs.
Now, however, Kampala believes that Uganda’s comparative advantage in food production is the best immediate opportunity for achieving economic growth.
During my visit, I am already learning, and I hope to learn more, about the remarkable progress that China has made in achieving economic growth and fighting poverty on a massive scale.
While appropriate and credible policies are the basis for economic growth, they need to be backed by high-quality institutions, including ethical standards in corporate governance.
That's why we need to take new, commonsense steps to help small businesses, grow our economy, and create jobs - and we need to take them now.
Weak global demand and competitiveness pressures as well asa push to rebalance growth away from exports to consumption have eroded the currentaccount surplus in recent years.
The negotiating histories of both the Framework Convention and Kyoto Protocol demonstrate general agreement on the need to mitigate climate change while allowing for continued economic growth.
And that must begin with the G20 pledge that we made in Pittsburgh to pursue a new strategy for balanced economic growth.
World Bank's new partnership strategy for China focuses on economic integration, poverty and sustainable development. Message from the Country Director.
Big emerging economies accelerated first and fastest. China's output, which stalled but never fell, was growing by an annualised rate of some 17% in the second quarter.
To realize the stable growth of economy, we must lay emphasis on both economic benefits and social benefits.
The relative balance pattern of interests to achieve sustained economic growth is indispensable.
Technical progress is the primary impetus that one country realizes economy to grow for a long time.
The contending ability of new-high technology is considered as a radical motive force to maintain and realize its sustainable increase of economics.
For the economical sustainable growth, the key lies with the effective use of land resources with the absence of land resources.
For the economical sustainable growth, the key lies with the effective use of land resources with the absence of land resources.