Perhaps the problem is that the industry has difficulty generating economies of scale.
OBJECTIVE: To discuss the way of realizing the pharmaceutical industry's economy of scale in China.
The effective way to realize the scale economy in the short run is M&I whose main mode is horizontal integration.
Producing greater product variety form a factory implies shorter production runs, which in turn implies an inability to realize economies of scale.
In recent years, a lot of apparel enterprises in our countries choose chain operation as their strategy so as to achieve economies of scale.
Because this both department can be develop the quality product at the same time the production department if produce lager quantity the company also can be achieves economic of scale.
This is driving component makers to move their productions from overseas directly to Chongqing to realize the benefits of economy of scale.
On the other hand, one-stop logistics can help carriers achieve economies of scale and remain competitive in a very dynamic market.
The thesis investigates scale economy in particular and tells readers how to operate beyond the nation to achieve scale economy.
Owned, operated, and registered in the Caribbean Region, the CCRIF signals Caribbean countries' growing commitment to work together to reap the benefits of economies of scale.
The scale which is scientific and reasonable ensures that profit is improved, cost of exchange is reduced and enterprise competitive competence is increased, economy of scale is come true as well.
Manufacturing scale economies were assured because more than 3, 000 planes were to be sold-2, 443 to Uncle Sam and the rest to his NATO Allies.
某种程度上,戴尔的成功造就了它的失败。 公司在将个人电脑变成商品方面是先导者,通过将电脑变成日常品即大量订单而实现规模经济,高效率的供应链条容不得半点错误。
g suppliers to the last penny, using economies of scale computer into a commodity, which meant squeezin by placing huge orders, and running efficient supply chains with little room for error.
I fail to see why you cannot realise these economies of scale with almost anyone.
True, a bigger group has more money to spend on marketing and can achieve economies of scale in areas such as back-office technology and administration.
It might also reduce the need for antitrust enforcement by counteracting data aggregators' desire to grow ever bigger in order to reap economies of scale.
Vodafone owns a small stake in China Mobile and would like a single global 4g standard to make roaming easier and increase economies of scale.
The administration and management of the repository sits with a central team, achieving some economies of scale and reducing overhead.
But the administration and management of the repository sits with a central team, achieving some economies of scale and reducing overhead.
To achieve any sort of economies of scale, they needed to commit to the MOQ of the factory.
But this kind of scale economy, including the monopoly resulted by it, is all from competition system.
Product family design is the key technology to achieve scaled economy under the condition of mass customization.
By retailing, the depth and scope of banking services will be enhanced, economies of scale and extent achieved and new profit sources developed.
The integration of the EU securities market has been strengthened to achieve economies of scale and the increasing in resource flows.
The integration of the EU securities market has been strengthened to achieve economies of scale and the increasing in resource flows.