The first index case of cholera, confirmed by laboratory test, was reported on 14 August 2007.
The first index case of cholera, confirmed by laboratory test, was reported from Kirkuk Governate on 14 August 2007.
Reports of acute watery diarrhoea have been received from areas surrounding Juba, and laboratory tests are continuing for all locations.
2006年7月21日,德国卫生当局向世卫组织报告了一起经德国汉堡Bernhard - Nocht热带病研究所实验室化验确认的输入性拉沙热。
On 21 July 2006, German health authorities have reported to WHO an imported case of Lassa fever, confirmed by laboratory tests at the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute of Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany.
2006年7月21日,德国卫生当局向世卫组织报告了一起经德国汉堡Bernhard - Nocht热带病研究所实验室化验确认的输入性拉沙热。
On 21 July 2006, German health authorities have reported to WHO an imported case of Lassa fever, confirmed by laboratory tests at the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute of Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany.