The control can be used to filter data in markup of a Web page by using declarative syntax.
This makes it easy to write more declarative code, which tends to be less error-prone.
You can use declarative syntax to place a demand at either the class or the method level of your code.
Unlike the example in Listing 1, with declarative transaction demarcation there is no transaction management code in the component methods.
Describes how to implement security checks declaratively, imperatively, or by directly accessing a principal object.
Explains how to apply declarative security attributes to types and members in dynamic assemblies, and to dynamic assemblies themselves.
Action filters are custom attributes that provide a declarative means to add pre-action and post-action behavior to controller action methods.
It is clear that by the mid - '30s the famous prose style of these seemingly simple-minded, declarative sentences without any subordinate clauses had begun to go by the wayside.
You can also use other methods to create custom data generators, including declarative extensibility, aggregation extensibility, and base extensibility.
In this example, the declarative call is placed directly before the class definition, specifying that this permission be applied to the class level.
WPF USES the Extensible application Markup Language (XAML) to provide a declarative model for application programming.
Security permissions can be in the form of a permission class (imperative security) or an attribute that represents a permission class (declarative security).
This is mandatory for declarative security, because the attribute is executed when the assembly is loaded, and the attribute may not have been created at the time the reference to it is encountered.
In order to use declarative security calls, you must initialize the state data of the permission object so that it represents the particular form of permission you need.
However, if you place a declarative security check at the member level, it applies to only that member and overrides the permission specified at the class level, if one exists.
首次亮相的这架波音707- 120作为世界上第一架成功的商业化喷气式客机,宣告了大规模空中旅行时代的来临。
The Boeing 707-120 debuts as the world's first successful commercial jet airliner, ushering in the era of accessible mass air travel.
We still have a long way to go before we can declare the end of AIDS, but this is a big milestone.
Variables declared on the stack are located next to the return address for the function's caller.
We do not want to see sermons as propositional declarations but a dialog between the preachers and audience.
If you specify annotations on the function declaration then you do not have to specify them on the function definition.
The declaration of the empty constructor prevents the automatic generation of a default constructor.
Or you could declare it in an initialization method that is called by all constructors.
To fix a violation of this rule, either make the constructor protected or do not declare the type as abstract.
This system marks a break from the traditional "forcible publicity" approach to brand communications. It gives a distinct and intimate impression that psychologically appeals to customers.
Declaring a return type explicitly for a function improves code readability, since the type of data that the function will return is immediately clear.
Declaring a return type explicitly for a function improves code readability, since the type of data that the function will return is immediately clear.