All the clever cryptography means BitCoin dealings are difficult to trace.
The Enigma code was broken by Allied cryptanalysts, helped in part by the capture of machines and code tables.
Ideally, cryptographers should only look at ciphers that have a reasonable chance of being secure.
DES has been studied by many of the world's leading cryptographers, but no weaknesses have been uncovered.
A while ago an AD hoc group of computer scientists and cryptographers contributed to a paper that recommended a key of at least90bits for symmetric algorithms used in commercial security.
A while ago, an AD hoc group of computer scientists and cryptographers contributed to a paper that recommended a key of at least 90 bits for symmetric algorithms used in commercial security.
To cryptographers, "hard" means computing with thousands of systems and getting an answer in months, years, or sometimes after the end of the universe.
HBGary Federal的高级主管、前美国海军密码学家艾伦·巴尔(Aaron Barr)参与了该计划的设计。
The plans were conceived in part by HBGary Federal's top executive, a former U.S. Navy cryptologist named Aaron Barr.
In the latter part of last century, scientists founded the conception of quantum cryptography on the basis of quantum mechanics.
In the latter part of last century, scientists founded the conception of quantum cryptography on the basis of quantum mechanics.