• 小时候居无定所,在各地流浪。

    She had had a rootless childhood moving from town to town.


  • 小时候妹妹过架。

    As a child she fought with her younger sister.


  • 小时候常常自己梦幻世界中。

    As a child he would often escape into a dreamworld of his own.


  • 小时候擅长音乐美术

    As a child he excelled at music and art.


  • 小时候父亲主宰一切。

    As a child he was dominated by his father.


  • 突然回想小时候姐姐一次争吵

    I flashed on an argument I had with my sister when we were kids.


  • 小时候学会骑马

    I learnt to ride as a child.


  • 小时候乡村里。

    When I was a child I lived in a country village.


  • 小时候虚弱,父母病人照料

    She had been a delicate child and her parents had treated her as an invalid.


  • 小时候小儿麻痹症使用了腿部支架

    He wore leg braces after he had polio in childhood.


  • 小时候那种事妈妈总是打我的屁股。

    When I used to do that when I was a kid, my mom would spank me.


  • 小时候弹钢琴吗?

    Did you play the piano as a child?


  • 小时候本地乳品公司向当地农场主收购牛奶

    In my childhood, local dairies bought milk from local farmers.


  • 小时候是个神童,十三以前就在音乐会上登台表演了。

    She was a child prodigy, giving concerts before she was a teenager.


  • 小时候从没穿过衣服,穿的全都是一位表姐的旧衣服。

    I never had anything new to wear as a child, only a cousin's cast-offs.


  • 小时候曾经以为只要足够决心,想要飞起来。

    As a child he had thought he could fly, if he willed it enough.


  • 大约93%美国居民麻疹免疫的,他们要么因为接种过疫苗,要么就是小时候过麻疹。

    About 93 percent of U.S. residents are immune to measles either because they were vaccinated or they had the disease as a child.


  • 小时候喜欢漫画卡通

    I like reading comics and watching cartoon when I was young.


  • 小时候爬山断了骨头

    He broke his bone when climbing as a child.


  • 小时候我们认为疯狂

    As children, we thought this was crazy.


  • 老师们发现小时候很聪颖

    Teachers spotted that he had a good brain at an early age.


  • 没有小时候表现的那样有出息

    He failed to fulfil his early promise.


  • 小时候其实非常害怕

    As a boy, he had a real terror of facing people.


  • 追述小时候如何离家出走的。

    She related how he had run away from home as a boy.


  • 小时候学过这些歌曲

    I learnt these songs at my mother's knee.


  • 不是小时候那副圆圆的娃娃脸了。

    His face had lost its boyish roundness.


  • 小时候在这里

    I used to play here as a boy.


  • 小时候生活美国

    I lived in America when I was little.


  • 赫比·汉考克小时候受到家人鼓励音乐

    Herbie Hancock was encouraged by his family to learn music at a young age.


  • 小时候伦敦

    I lived in London as a child.


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