• 臭氧地球防止紫外线辐射屏障

    Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation.


  • 长江东北方向一道天然屏障

    The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east.


  • 这些人造屏障将会确保几百高度保护

    These man-made barriers will ensure a very high degree of protection for several hundred years.


  • 一场猛烈暴风雨摧毁了房屋湖泊之间天然屏障

    A severe storm destroyed a natural barrier between the house and the lake.


  • 这个细胞只有无法通过才能成为有效屏障

    This cell can only be an effective barrier if there's no way to get past it.


  • 一旦保护层丧失皮肤整体屏障就受到破坏,皮肤

    Once that protection is lost, and the integrity of the skin barrier disrupted, skin becomes dry.


  • 因为早期地球大气缺乏氧气所以缺乏保护作用的臭氧层屏障

    Because early Earth lacked oxygen in its atmosphere, it also lacked a protective ozone barrier.


  • 高速公路隔屏障作为经济有效方法降低交通噪声主要措施

    As an economical and effective method, the expressway noise barrier is a primary measure to reduce traffic noise.


  • 二氧化碳我们太阳之间形成了一道屏障阻止热量大气中散发出来

    Carbon dioxide, which makes a barrier between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere.


  • 如果没有物理屏障继续同一栖息地生活繁殖个体隔离开来,分化是否会出现

    Can divergence occur if no physical barriers are in place to separate individuals who continue to live and reproduce in the same habitat?


  • 天气炎热时,鸵鸟会把它们背上这样就增加太阳辐射皮肤之间屏障厚度

    When conditions are hot, the ostrich erects them on its back, thus increasing the thickness of the barrier between solar radiation and the skin.


  • 试图巴斯雄性海豚一只叫桃瑞丝雌性海豚隔着一道坚固屏障互相交流

    What he tried to do was to teach a male dolphin called Bass and a female called Doris to communicate with each other across a solid barrier.


  • 他们封锁道路,负责架设长达25英里的人体屏障一个广阔区域内实施停车管制

    They blocked roads, set up 25-mile human barriers, and enforced parking control orders over a wide area.


  • 二氧化碳我们太阳之间形成了一道屏障阻止热量大气中散因此地球变得越来越

    Carbon dioxide, which makes a barrier between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere, so the earth is becoming warmer.


  • 以前大陆之间鸿沟允许自由流动而现在地峡形成了一道屏障大西洋太平洋分隔开来。

    While previously the gap between the continents had allowed a free flow of water, now the isthmus presented a barrier that divided the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean.


  • 密西西比佛罗里达一些大陆地区沿岸组成海湾群岛国家海滨七座屏障岛屿中的座。

    It is one of seven barrier islands that, along with some mainland areas of Mississippi and Florida, make up the Gulf Islands National Seashore.


  • 因为东面屏障西面太平洋而且北面是人口稠密地区,所以促使人们迁移动力大。

    Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greater impetus for people to move in a southerly direction.


  • 我们大树作为屏障

    We planted a screen of tall trees.


  • 进攻联盟得以展示反导弹屏障

    The attacks allowed the coalition to display its shield of antimissiles.


  • 1978年以来,已经种植了660多亿棵树,作为防风屏障

    Since 1978, over 66 billion trees have been planted to act as windbreaks.


  • 于那些必须长时间与电脑打交道的人来说,喝茶可以帮助他们建立一道抵御电脑辐射的屏障

    To those who have to work with computers for a long time, drinking tea can help them to build up a wall against the computer radiation.


  • 法律我们对抗偏爱欲望支配最好屏障

    Law is the best hedge we have against "the domination of partiality and desire".


  • 第三巨大行星引力屏障虽然非常有效但偶尔也会无法保护地球

    Third, the gravitational shield of the giant outer planets, while highly efficient, must occasionally fail to protect Earth.


  • 横在你们之间车道栅栏并不真的就是一道冷漠屏障;它们只不过是一条清晰分界线

    The driveway or the fence between you is not really a cold shoulder but a clear boundary.


  • 科学院表示父母孩子一块玩耍时候建立起一道屏障抵御包括贫穷在内各种压力所带来的有害影响

    When parents engage in playing with their children, it builds a wall against the harmful effects of all kinds of stress, including poverty, the academy says.


  • 菲吉特农民等人为维护沙袋屏障闸门进行了斗争

    Farmers in Phichit Province, among others, fought over the maintenance of sandbag barriers and sluice gates.


  • 燕山北京天然屏障

    The Yanshan Hills provide a natural defence for Beijing.


  • 目的他们英国人之间建立一道屏障

    The purpose is to create a fence between themselves and Englishers.


  • 纤维形成一种保护屏障应对枪击。

    The fibers form a protective barrier against gunfire.


  • 祖国筑起一道绿色屏障

    For my motherland green barriers erected.


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