The Property Editor View is used to set properties for report elements that have been added to the report.
If you add a new attribute or edit an existing one, an attribute editor appears, as shown in Figure 15.
The design-time environment provides a forms designer and a properties editor to allow you to manipulate components and build user interfaces.
The table and column names also become available in the property editors to enhance designer-level tools like data binding.
If you need to change the location or scale of your character slightly, it can be done by going to the attribute editor menu at the right side of the screen.
通过选择组件并键入名称,您可以更改名称;或者可以使用属性编辑器更改名称,如图33 所示。
You can change the name by selecting the component and typing the name, or you can change it using the Properties Editor as shown in Figure 33.
在打开的属性编辑器中,在Name中输入cicseci,在JNDI Name中输入cicseci。
In the property editor that opens, for name, enter cics eci, and for JNDI name, enter cicseci.
Open a node's property editor by double-clicking on it. This lets you set parameters that cannot be driven by connections.
Third-party control developers can derive from this class to add items to the "add item" drop-down box in the collection editor or sub-property editor.
每个中介基元的属性编辑器还显示了可提升属性的列表,您可以从中选择对WebSphereESB 管理员可见的属性。
The Properties Editor for each mediation primitive also displays a list of promotable properties that you can select to be visible to the WebSphere ESB administrator.
The property editor for the CommandText property acts accordingly, showing a list of available tables, a SQL dialog, or a list of available Stored Procedures.
BIRT报表元素支持所有可在属性编辑器视图中配置且可被BIRT的报表对象模型(Report Object Model)描述的属性。
All BIRT report elements support properties that can be configured in the Property Editor View and are described by the BIRT report Object Model (ROM).
Click on the human task pane in the human task editor to see the human task properties tabs.
After you create the Server Profile, you see the Server Profile editor that you use to set properties for deployment.
Requirement attributes can be added, modified, deleted, or reordered using this editor.
Much like application objects, the resource is introspected for the list of properties to show in the rule editor.
The Editor makes it easy to specify detail properties of each mediation primitive.
Click the whitespace in the process editor to select the process properties.
Use a text editor to create the file and specify the properties required by your application.
In the state machine editor, you can mark self-transitions as internal in the properties for the transition.
Thus, the default validators in the topology editor automatically ensure that the attribute has a string value.
Once the configuration has been created, you can use the configuration editor to set optional properties.
You can use editors, property views, and visual modeling diagrams to create and edit JPA entity classes.
The Business Item Editor makes it easy to define the attribute as an array type.
Most specialized XML editors help you enter elements and attributes.
From the view of the ODF editor, it means to edit certain attributes of an object.
Note that you can change from a userid and password to a JAAS alias after generating the service by changing the properties of the export in the assembly editor.
Note that you can change from a userid and password to a JAAS alias after generating the service by changing the properties of the export in the assembly editor.