Capri is an island in the south of the country, famous for its beautiful coastline and a popular tourist destination.
Many of the world's most climate-vulnerable countries, the majority of which are African or small island states, produce a very small quantity of emissions.
The sector has particular significance for small island states.
There are a few gorgeous island countries in the world that are definitely worth vising.
In Greece, a country of numerous islands, more than 9,000 hotels operate.
Japan, a country of islands, extends along the eastern or Pacific coast of Asia.
The city, as well as the hotel, are located on the southern coast of the island nation.
Island nations sensitive to climate issues could choose the least carbon dioxide-intensive shipping lines.
Vanuatu is an island country there with a population of about 267,000 people.
The island nations of the tropical western Pacific cradle the richest coral life on our planet.
Fifteen AOSIS members list timber or hardwood forests as one of their main natural resources.
Nutrition labels are not only inconsistent but often not in English, the common language spoken in most Pacific island countries.
Aosis is a bloc of 42 island and coastal states mostly in the Pacific and Caribbean.
The islands request that a new contact group be created to discuss the Tuvalu proposal (which is, in fact, not new).
Many small island nations, for instance, have abundant coconut trees, which serve as sources of wood, coconut, copra and palm oil for the local population.
A major challenge for Pacific island countries is to reinforce nutrition education in schools by promoting healthy eating practices.
The Committee noted that the uptake of pandemic vaccine in some Pacific Island countries appeared sufficiently high to reduce the risk of outbreaks in these countries.
The Pacific island nations have some of the world's highest rates of obesity, with Samoa usually included in the for obesity levels.
The Pacific island nations have some of the world's highest rates of obesity, with Samoa usually included in the top ten countries for obesity levels.
Christmas tripe soup reflects the island nation's "whole animal" eating culture — the practice of eating even those parts of an animal that might normally be discarded.
Christmass tripe soup reflects the island nation's "whole animal" eating culture — the practice of eating even those parts of an animal that might normally be discarded.
Generally speaking, he has the characteristic of some following aspects on novel creation: Desolate island literature is the literature subject of the tradition that is this British island country.
However, due to a considerable variation in land area, 1 population density and climatic, geological and topographical conditions, the extent of forest cover differs greatly among the island states.
It tied with Malta this year. For what the small island nation lacks in size, Malta makes up for in year-round sunshine, excellent health care and low crime rates.
It is well known that Britain, especially London, is famous for its foggy weather and blue sky is rare in the island nation, so blue color is more related to the sea.
It is well known that Britain, especially London, is famous for its foggy weather and blue sky is rare in the island nation, so blue color is more related to the sea.