• 他们巡回演出时会举办很多音乐会烟雾缭绕地方演唱

    When they go on tour, they do a vast number of concerts, singing in smoky places.


  • 打算巡回演出结束后离开乐队

    She intends to split from the band at the end of the tour.


  • 美国进行了个人巡回演出

    He toured America with his one-man show.


  • 这次巡回演出认为获成功

    The tour was judged a great success.


  • 这次巡回演出认为获成功

    The tour was judged to have been a great success.


  • 支乐队巡回演出已有六个月了。

    The band has been on the road for six months.


  • 支乐队正在法国巡回演出

    The band is on tour in France.


  • 这个乐队将要进行巡回演出

    The band will be going on tour.


  • 最近巡回演出他们吸引大批观众。

    They pulled in huge crowds on their latest tour.


  • 乐队处于最近这次巡回演出顶峰状态。

    The band is riding the crest of its last tour.


  • 支乐队目前正在法国进行九天巡回演出

    The band is currently on a nine-day tour of France.


  • 五十歌手生涯结束前最后一次巡回演出

    This is his sunset tour after fifty years as a singer.


  • 这个乐队目前正在欧洲进行为期两个月巡回演出

    The band is currently on a two-month tour of Europe.


  • 这套唱片选辑由去年巡回演出实况录音汇编而成。

    The album was compiled from live recordings from last year's tour.


  • 一团体结束伦敦演出全国各地巡回演出

    The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London.


  • 这个乐队英国巡回演出期间20个不同地点演出

    The band will be playing at 20 different venues on their UK tour.


  • 卡内基大厅举行场音乐会,以此圆满结束了她的巡回演出

    She rounded off the tour with a concert at Carnegie Hall.


  • 伦敦举行场精彩音乐会他们的夏季巡回演出画上句号。

    Their summer tour will culminate at a spectacular concert in London.


  • 没有巡回演出

    You've never gone on tour.


  • 62岁时候,仍然大部分时间去巡回演出

    At 62, you continue to spend a large percentage of your life touring.


  • 他们喜欢音乐舞蹈经常市集和巡回演出中表演。

    They like music and dancing, and they often work in fairs and traveling shows.


  • 仲夏夜之》将于六月十九号皇家剧院公演然后苏格兰各地巡回演出

    A Midsummer Night's Dream opens at the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland.


  • 作为世界上具活力舞蹈团之一爱尔兰国际舞蹈团经典作品——中国巡回演出

    The Irish International Dance Company, one of the most dynamic dance troupes in the world, will tour China with its classic production "Spirit of the Dance—the New Millennium".


  • 菲尔·柯林斯上周宣布由于现场音乐会嗓音造成巨大的损伤,他可能会放弃巡回演出一消息公布后,医生们开始向明星们提供一些建议——关于护理声音方面的注意事项。

    After last week's announcement that Phil Collins might give up touring because live concerts are ruining his voice, doctors are counseling stars about the does and doesn't of voice care.


  • 剧团正在全国各地巡回演出

    The theatrical troupe is touring the country.


  • 那时退出巡回演出了吗?

    Did she retire from itineracy at that time?


  • 巡回演出丹麦海宁斯克银行首映。

    The tour premiered in Herning, Denmark at the Jyske Bank.


  • 按计划妈妈呀》要进行巡回演出

    The plan is to tour Mamma Mia! For at least a year.


  • 按计划妈妈呀》要进行巡回演出

    The plan is to tour Mamma Mia! For at least a year.


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