Aim To develop a computer integrated application system for managing and designing manufacture equipments used in the process of manufacture.
为了在企业广泛应用PD M系统条件下,快速构建工艺分工规划系统,提出了一种基于PD M系统的工艺分工规划设计与管理解决办法。
In order to construct a process assignment and planning system quickly according to the situation of an enterprise, a method for process assignment based on PDM (Product Data Management) is presented.
针对石灰竖窑生产的工艺要求,结合生产实际设计了一套以西门子s7- 300为PLC的自动控制系统,实现了石灰竖窑生产的自动监控与管理。
According to the production technological requirement of the lime shaft kiln, an automatic control system based on Siemens S7-300 PLC was designed.
针对石灰竖窑生产的工艺要求,结合生产实际设计了一套以西门子s7- 300为PLC的自动控制系统,实现了石灰竖窑生产的自动监控与管理。
According to the production technological requirement of the lime shaft kiln, an automatic control system based on Siemens S7-300 PLC was designed.