• 效率工资理论注重工资激励作用

    The efficient wage theory pays attention to the wage incentive effect.


  • 索洛模型显示效率工资理论传统经济理论的突破。

    Solow Model shows advances of Efficiency Wages theory as contrasted with traditional economic theory.


  • 研究最低工资理论及其制度建设成为亟待解决问题。

    Therefore, the research of the theory and construction of minimum wage system is urgent.


  • 换言之传统均衡经济学理想化弹性工资理论里,从来不会失业

    In other words, in the idealized flexible wages world of traditional equilibrium economics, there can never be unemployment!


  • 本文首先工资理论薪酬理论作了一个简单的回顾重点阐述效率工资理论

    First, a literature review is done about wage theory and compensation theory in this thesis and the efficiency wage theory is focused in details.


  • 许多长期存在经济学关系一样,“保留工资理论”也受到当前经济衰退的严峻考验

    Like many long-standing economic relationships, "wage stickiness" is being tested by the savagery of the recession.


  • 效率工资理论认为支付比市场工资更高工资,劳动成本可能小,企业能获得更多的利润

    Efficiency wage theory holds that higher-than-market-rate wage payment may imply less total costs and hence greater profit to the business firm.


  • 效率工资理论产生以来,就受到广泛关注,被看作当代宏观经济学最有发展前景领域之一。

    From the theory of efficiency-wage appears, the theory is looked as the one of the most developed perspective fields in modern macroeconomics.


  • 本文在现代企业制度的工资理论基础上,保定热电厂为研究对象,对其现行岗位技能工资进行分析

    The thesis settles the subject to Baoding Co-generation Power Plant, introduces some salary theories, and analyses current post and ability salary system.


  • 劳动力商品劳动价值论为基础工资理论,是马克思经济学重要组成部分也是独特的理论

    The wage theory, based on the theory of labour power as a commodity and labour theory of value, is one of the most important parts in Marx's economics.


  • 二元劳动力市场理论职业搜寻理论保留工资理论角度分析大学生自愿性失业其实一种理性选择

    Analysis from the Angle of theory of dual labor market, theory of job search and theory of reserved wages, it is a rational choice for graduate to become unemployed voluntarily.


  • 本文首先介绍研究相关理论基础,着重介绍了委托代理理论现代人力资本理论以及古典经济学工资理论

    Firstly, the paper reviews the related theories and studies-especially agency theories, modern manpower capital theories and wage theory of classical economics.


  • 本文首先对国内外主要薪酬理论、薪酬方案薪酬设计的方法和步骤介绍分析薪酬理论中重点介绍了现代工资理论

    Firstly, the thesis will give the introduction and analysis of the main compensation theories, compensation program methods and procedures of compensation design.


  • 理论能够农业环境非农产业工资之间提供有用的联系吗?

    Can theory offer a useful link between agricultural circumstances and non-farm wages?


  • 这一理论同样适用其他没有明确标准的工资项,譬如行政津贴股票分红。

    That theory also holds in other areas where there aren't set expectations, like executive bonuses and stock options.


  • 尽管已有20职业经验,Serdouma博士理论的)工资每天0.60美元:每个不足20美元。

    Despite his 20 years' professional experience, Dr Serdouma's (theoretical) salary is US$ 0.60 per day: less than US$ 20 per month.


  • 但是男女之间不同工资差别却没法人力资本理论来解释

    There were, however, differences in pay scales that cannot be explained by the human capital theory.


  • 理论与GDP等同较少普遍使用的标准国内总收入它是工资利润税收的总和。

    A theoretically equivalent but less commonly-cited indicator is Gross Domestic Income, which adds up wages, profits and taxes.


  • 绩效工资理论认为高薪公司或可以激发员工士气使员工冒解雇风险而投机牺牲代价变的更高,从而促使员工努力工作。

    The theory of "efficiency wages" says that well-paying firms can induce staff to work harder by improving morale or by making it costlier for them to risk being sacked.


  • 传统新古典经济理论认为工资厂商工人边际产品回报完全竞争市场上同质工人获取同样工资

    The traditional neo-classical economic theory considers that wages are the reward for marginal product. In the perfectly competitive market, homogeneity of workers implies the same wage for all.


  • 虽然一些过于简单经济理论来看,随着劳动力供给增加可能意味着短期工资下降,但其实多方面的原因单单因为移民。

    While some overly simplistic views of economic theory might suggest that wages will decline in the short run as the supply of labor increases, this is not the case with immigration for many reasons.


  • 新的理论至少一方面了进展:价格工资决策有了清晰微观基础

    A new theory, at least in one hand, progress has been made: price and wage decisions based on a clear micro.


  • 形成垄断之后,从理论讲,具体特殊技能的工人支付低于应有水平”的工资,而不是象其他行业一样大幅度地提高工资

    Thereafter it could theoretically fail to increase wage rates as much as other industries, and so pay "substandard" wages for that particular specialized skill.


  • 根据企业契约理论会计人员只是企业生产者之一得到合同规定固定工资接受单位负责人监督

    According to the contract theory, accountants of the enterprise are just laborers, who receive a fixed salary as stipulated by the contract and are supervised by the leaders in the work unit.


  • 然后运用新古典经济学劳动力市场分割理论分析农村劳动进城城市就业工资影响

    Then using workforce market segmentation theory I analyzed the impact of the flow of rural laborer to cities on the urban employment and the wage rate.


  • 失业持续时间再就业者工资影响不仅一个重要理论问题具有重要的政策含义

    The effect of unemployment duration on re-employers earnings is not only an important theoretical problem, but has meaningful policy implications.


  • 理论层面,根据部门模型,把我国经济部门划分最低工资覆盖部门和覆盖部门。

    According to Mincer′s two sector model, the economy can be divided into the minimum wage covered sector and the non-covered sector.


  • 再利用修正过购买力平价理论,测算人民币真实汇率并且具体分析名义汇率、补贴工资政策真实汇率的变化趋势。

    Then work out the real exchange rate of Renminbi by adjusted purchasing power parity and analyze the nominal exchange rate, subsidy and wage policy's effects on real exchange rate respectively.


  • 因此,厂家理论告诉我们一个厂商产量增长取决于工资水平的提高原材料价格下跌

    Thus, the theory of the firm tells us whether a firm's output level will increase or decrease in response to an increase in wage rates or a decrease in the price of raw materials.


  • 文章认为,凯恩斯货币工资富有刚性假设通过提高价格水平降低实际工资解决非自愿失业问题理论,只能在短期有效

    The Keynesian theory deals with the involuntary unemployment under the hypothesis of wages rigidity, suggesting that raising price and reducing the real wages can only be valid in a short-term.


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