• 小心提醒可能差错

    I ventured to suggest that she might have made a mistake.


  • 我们需要分析是什么出了差错

    We need to analyse what went wrong.


  • 想你计算总数时出差错

    I think you have made an error in calculating the total.


  • 事情出了差错老有借口

    She is not short of excuses when things go wrong.


  • 压力之下,办事情容易差错

    Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.


  • 担心可能出什么差错

    She was deeply apprehensive that something might go wrong.


  • 我们必须好好准备一定不要差错

    We must be well prepared, there must be no slips.


  • 一个差错几乎使丧命

    That one mistake almost cost him his life.


  • 要是按照不会出大差错

    If you do what she tells you, you won't go far wrong.


  • 这项工作决不允许差错

    There is no room for error in this job.


  • 我们已经清楚差错

    It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made.


  • 一个差错使多年来付出了沉重代价

    That one mistake has cost him dear over the years.


  • 某个地方出了点差错

    There's been a slip-up somewhere.


  • 一定出了什么差错

    There must be some mistake.


  • 门口狭窄,弄得倒车几乎不能出任何差错

    The narrow gateway left me little margin for error as I reversed the car.


  • 看来一个差错

    There appears to have been a mistake.


  • 看来一个差错

    It appears that there has been a mistake.


  • 这场比赛双方队员均出了差错真让人捏一把汗

    It was an edgy match with both players making mistakes.


  • 出了差错无处没有组织庇护免于责难。

    There is nowhere to hide when things go wrong, no organization to cocoon you from blame.


  • 可是细活,不能一星半点差错

    This is a high precision job. There mustn't be the slightest slip.


  • 若有差错请斧正

    Please correct any errors that you find.


  • 恐怕出了什么差错

    I fear there is some mistake.


  • 不会差错

    No mistakes could arise.


  • 包括狐加上标签监控数量确保不出差错

    That includes tagging the foxes and monitoring their numbers to ensure nothing goes wrong.


  • 这样的:“这可不信——这么长的一个,居然没有一点差错!”

    It was this, "Pretty thin--as long a dream as that, without any mistakes in it!"


  • 由于新手,我犯了差错。我以为葡萄干的,显然不是

    Because I am new to this, I have had some slip-ups. I thought raisins were raw but apparently they are not.


  • 香农指出噪声限制信息保持差错的情况下沿通信信道传递速度

    Shannon showed that noise sets a limit on the rate at which information can pass along communication channels while remaining error-free.


  • 给定信号强度噪声水平情况下,以比特每秒单位给出最终限制差错通信最大绝对速率

    The resulting limit, given in units of bits per second, is the absolute maximum rate of error-free communication given signal strength and noise level.


  • 人在疲劳可能差错

    We're all liable to make mistakes when we're tired.


  • 由于越来越疲劳工作开始出现差错

    As she became more tired, errors began to creep into her work.


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