• 他们自己积蓄制造了有效的原型雇佣了一个市场副总裁EthanThorman他们取得进展。

    Drawing on their personal savings, they built working prototypes and hired a VP of marketing, Ethan Thorman, to help get them off the ground.


  • 因此,笔者联系了销售市场总裁Adele Gutman女士,发现个中秘密还是历久不衰的酒店业法则。

    So I contacted Adele Gutman, VP of Sales &Marketing. Turns out the secret is good old-fashioned hospitality.


  • 我们公司市场总裁例,产假之后,第一“半工作半产假”的状态,所以渐渐地完成回归正常工作过渡

    My own vice President of marketing worked part-time for a month after her full-time leave ended, so she was able to gently transition back to her job.


  • 如果Google开始所有公司推行服务,最终这会成为一个问题。”在线珠宝零售商Ice.com市场总裁宾尼·尼维奇(Pinny Gniwisch)

    Eventually this could be a huge problem if Google starts throwing this out there to all brands, ” said Pinny Gniwisch, vice president for marketing of Ice.com, an online jeweler.


  • 我们要眼睁睁地看着数百万美元水上漂流数月”,达里尔·希瑞说道泰斯拉市场营销总裁

    "We were seeing tens of millions of dollars of value sitting on the water for months, " says Darryl Siry, Tesla's vice-president for marketing.


  • 因此,ChamathPalihapitiyaFacebook分管产品市场总裁解释说认为Facebook正在变得搜索引擎更加重要

    For that reason, explains Chamath Palihapitiya, Facebook's vice president of product marketing, "I see Facebook as becoming more essential than search."


  • 富士重工高级总裁万宝至彰(Akira Mabuchi)接受采访时说,我们自己的力量难以满足所有新兴市场需求

    'It is hard to meet demand in all emerging markets on our own,' Akira Mabuchi, a senior vice President at Fuji Heavy said in an interview.


  • “ 销售目标每一爱好者,”MichaelGartenberg—-市场调研战略研究部的总裁

    The target audience is everyone, ” said Michael Gartenberg, vice president for strategy and analysis at Interpret, a market research firm.


  • 市场会推动那些实际售楼动机人,”PeterDennehy,他是圣地亚哥·苏利文集团不动产顾问公司总裁

    "The market is kind of pulling back to [only] people who are really motivated" to sell, says Peter Dennehy, senior vice President of Sullivan Group real Estate Advisors in San Diego.


  • MFGlobal高级总裁加兰特(Don Galante)说:“二级市场信贷停止了!”

    "The secondary market in credit stopped," said Don Galante, senior vice President at MF Global.


  • 我们希望2012年能够平板电脑市场的第二交椅。”索尼公司总裁铃木国正在今天公司高层的圆桌会议上这样说道

    "We'd really like to take the No. 2 position (in the tablet market) by 2012," Kunimasa Suzuki, deputy President of Sony, said at a roundtable discussion with company executives here today.


  • 基于今年薪水调查电子商务市场总裁有望155,700美元,比非网上的145 100美元要高。

    Based on her salary surveys this year, a vice president of marketing in e-commerce can expect to earn $155,700, versus $145,100 for offline posts.


  • 2006年,柯爱伦任命为执行副总裁,负责公司业务平台以及市场营销销售

    In 2006, Kullman was named EVP and manned the company's business platforms, as well as marketing and sales.


  • 牛津大学出版社业务开发版权总裁Evan R . Schnittman:“苹果有意放弃电子书市场,但认为市场重要。”

    "Apple is consciously skipping the e-book market," said Evan R. Schnittman, vice President for business development and rights at Oxford University Press. "I think it's pretty significant."


  • “最终的结果不是看社会媒体损益平衡表贡献,而是怎样市场工作服务。” 该公司市场营销商业战略高级总裁MartySt. George

    The utility is not what it does to the bottom line but how it works as a marketing tool, ” says Marty St. George, senior vice president of marketing and commercial strategy.


  • LG负责产品策略市场营销总裁拉巴尼(EhtishamRabbani)现阶段我们业务没有受到此事影响

    'at this stage, it's not affecting our business,' said Ehtisham Rabbani, vice President of marketing a product strategy.


  • 至于是否喜欢升值速度另外一回事,这个问题上可谓见仁见智,不是吗?” 资产规模达11亿美元USAA新兴市场基金(USAA Emerging Markets Fund)股票投资总裁瓦斯夫·拉蒂夫(WasifLatif)如是说。

    Whether you like the speed or not is another issue, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?” says Wasif Latif, VP of Equity Investments for the $1.1 billion USAA Emerging Markets Fund.


  • Amadeus集团市场分销部门总裁IanWheeler访问中提到,世界各地其他航空公司旅游零售商即将陆续采用这项服务。

    Other carriers and travel retailers from around the world are due to follow soon, said Ian Wheeler, Amadeus’s Group Vice President for Marketing &Distribution, in an interview.


  • 罗伯特·德克表示希尔顿饭店公司负责品牌管理市场高级总裁

    Robert Dirk said that he was responsible for the Hilton Hotel brand management and marketing senior vice President.


  • ——帕姆·克莱7月份聘为Twitter首位负责消费者市场营销副总裁,然而短短个月已经离职

    Pam Kramer, who was hired in July as Twitter's first VP for consumer marketing left the company after just three months.


  • 韩国三星经济研究中心总裁权纯只要经济情势继续隐晦不明,股票市场变幻不定

    Samsung Economic Research Institute vice president Kwon Soon-woo says stock markets will continue to be volatile, as long as economic uncertainty looms.


  • 然而这里也再次提醒了Flurry市场营销副总裁Peter Farago “为什么没有开发者注册进来提供分析数据呢?”

    But then again, notes Flurry VP of Marketing Peter Farago, "why haven't Blackberry developers signed up for analytics?"


  • 利用工作作为公司总裁高增长市场作为在这个星期,他晋升AMD公司销售总监

    He use to work as a Corporate Vice President, High Growth Markets and as of this week, he got promoted to AMD's Chief Sales Officer.


  • 完成市场&销售副总裁销售经理安排其他工作

    Other responsibilities assigned by VP marketing & sales and sales manager.


  • 通用电气高级总裁首席财务长卡西迪(Kathryn Cassidy)我们喜欢具有全球抱负我们所有市场合作银行

    'We like Banks that have global aspirations and that can work with us in all markets,' says Kathryn Cassidy, senior vice President and treasurer at GE.


  • 全国心脏论坛总裁简兰登:“世界很多国家妇女烟草公司看成市场增长点。”

    "Jane Landon, deputy chief executive of the National Heart Forum, said: "In many countries around the world, women are viewed as a growth market by tobacco companies.


  • 目前公司名员工刚刚聘请了两位总裁,分别负责销售市场营销

    The company, which has eight employees, has just hired two vice presidents, one for sales and one for marketing.


  • 目前公司名员工刚刚聘请了两位总裁,分别负责销售市场营销

    The company, which has eight employees, has just hired two vice presidents, one for sales and one for marketing.


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