• 着用橛子帐篷钉牢地上

    She was busy pegging her tent to the ground.


  • 帐篷各种各样形状大小

    Tents come in various shapes and sizes.


  • 我们可以临时帐篷地上。

    We could pitch our tent in that field.


  • 我们一个破旧帐篷过了一夜

    We spent the night in a ropy old tent.


  • 雨水使得帐篷中间开始下坠

    The tent began to sag under the weight of the rain.


  • 帐篷可以折叠装进袋子里

    The tent packs away in a small bag.


  • 没用多长时间帐篷了。

    It didn't take long to put the tent up.


  • 听到帐篷撕裂的声音。

    I heard the tent rip.


  • 拉上帐篷门帘的拉链。

    I zipped the tent flaps shut.


  • 露营同伴已经在收起他们的帐篷了。

    My fellow campers were already packing up their tents.


  • 他们帐篷安歇下来

    They put up their tents and settled down for the night.


  • 我们四处查看,想找一个帐篷地方

    We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent.


  • 他们不想人们践踏草地帐篷生火

    They don't want people trampling the grass, pitching tents or building fires.


  • 拉开帐篷的门帘,大步走进了暴风雪中

    He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.


  • 帐篷上撕一个口子

    There's a big split in the tent.


  • 医院起了帐篷收治医院里住不下的人。

    Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overspill.


  • 一阵风吹动帐篷

    A gust of wind flapped the tents.


  • 我们提供双人帐篷以及简单的烹饪露营设备

    We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment.


  • 帐篷外科医生手电筒的光亮进行手术。

    Surgeons are performing operations in tents by torchlight.


  • 一些在建得很差宿舍里,甚至帐篷

    Some are living in poorly built dormitories, even in tents.


  • 检查一下帐篷昨晚暴风雨透了。

    I have to check my tentit got soaked last night in the storm.


  • 他们岩石平台找到了一可以帐篷地方

    They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents.


  • 赶紧跑帐篷里,抓起了有些皱但很干净衣服

    I hurried to the tent and grabbed a few clean, if rumpled, clothes.


  • 雨,你就帐篷度过了整个周末真是自讨苦吃!

    You spent the whole weekend in a tent in the rain? That's masochism!


  • 帐篷里住了两个星期又回到人类文明的生活可真好呀!

    It's good to be back in civilization after two weeks in a tent!


  • 长达数小时紧张忙乱活动就在前面帐篷起来摊位要搭起来。

    Hours of feverish activity lay ahead. The tents had to be erected, the stalls set up.


  • 野营的时候,我们帐篷里。

    When I go camping, we stay in a tent.


  • 我们绕着帐篷慢慢地

    We had walked slowly all round the tent.


  • 内部帐篷这个框架上

    The inner tent is attached to this frame.


  • 杰克帐篷后面

    Jack went to the back of the tent.


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