• 微分方程组问题不动指数理论

    Nonlinear ordinary differential systems boundary value problems cone fixed point index theory positive solution.


  • 本文导出的动力学控制方程高度非线性STIFF微分方程组

    The dynamic equations developed in this paper are a set of highly nonlinear STIFF ordinary differential equations.


  • 利用的不指数研究非线性常微分方程组周期问题

    In this paper, by using the fixed point index method, the authors discussed the periodic boundary value problem of first order differential systems.


  • 摘要利用锥上的不指数研究非线性常微分方程组周期问题

    In this paper, by using the fixed point index method, the authors discussed the periodic boundary value problem of first order differential systems.


  • 一个实际物理问题构造相应模型,得到描述运动状态常微分方程组

    In this paper, a system of differential equations is presented to describe the movement of the constructed model for a physical phenomenon.


  • 方程关于内液体压力、泵阀升程与泵阀运动速度微分方程组

    The new model is a first-order ordinary differential equation group for the fluid pressure in the cylinder...


  • 许多化工过程精确动态分析计算一个大规模刚性微分方程组求解问题

    The accurate dynamic analysis of a lot of chemical processes is a large scale problem of solving an array of combined stiff ordinary differential equations.


  • 典型刚性微分方程组一般方法求解只能选用很小时间步长

    This is a set of typical stiff ordinary differential equations, very small time step could only be adopted when solving the set of equations with common methods.


  • 发汗控制方程建立了直线解法,可用任何解常微分方程组数值方法求解。

    In this paper, line methods for two dimension transpiration control equations are created, and new equations may be solved in terms of numerical methods for system of ordinary differential equations.


  • 本文主要运用锥不定理格林函数研究非线性微分方程组存在性

    In this paper, we study the existence of positive solutions to second - order nonlinear ordinary differential equations by using fixed point theorem in cones and Green's function.


  • 变形情况下运用辽金方法,可将偏微分方程转换线性微分方程组进行求解。

    A set of linear ordinary differential equations in the case of sm all deflections is determined by application of the Galerkin's method.


  • 利用微分方程组理论一般条件下求出了线性有阻尼多自由度振动系统任意外激励精确响应

    Exact response of damped linear vibrating systems to arbitrarily excitation is obtained according to theory of ordinary differential equations.


  • 受控系统运动设为系数线性微分方程组所描述,系统终点状态空间内的某一凸性区域

    We assume that the motion of controlled object is describedby linear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficient, and the final states ofthe system form a convex region of phase space.


  • 模拟自然界中既包含竞争关系包含捕食-被捕食关系生态系统,建立常微分方程组表示环状模型

    An annular model for chemostat was depicted by a group of ODE(ordinary differential equation) to imitate the ecosystem which included competition and predator-prey relations in nature.


  • 孤立不变孤立块概念,给出了一个参数的二微分方程组的非驻定有界解分支存在性准则。

    Using concepts of invariable set and isolated cube, we obtained existence for bifurcate points of bounded solutions of second order ordinary differential systems including a parameter.


  • 理论上讲,借助数值求解微分方程组便得到有关激波的主要信息结果为行星际激波求解提供便捷的途径。

    Theoretically, the entire information for the shock can be obtained by sorting to the numerical solutions to the set of ODEs easily.


  • 看出,模式方法最大成功之处在于揭示大气中多重平衡现象。 利用此法可将模式方程转化耦合常微分方程组

    It is shown that, the method of truncated Spectral model clealy exhibits great excellence for establishment of the multiple equilibration phenomenon in the atmosphere.


  • CO、co_2加氢合成甲醇反应一个复合反应体系,其催化剂颗粒内的浓度分布的表征方程为微分方程组

    The hydrogenation reaction of co and CO2 to synthesize methanol is a multiple reaction system. The distributions of concentrations are described by second order ordinary differential equations.


  • 考虑具有介质阻尼及非线性粘弹性本构关系梁方程,证明了它的有界吸收有限维惯性流形存在性,由此得到在一定的条件下所给偏微分方程等价于一常微分方程组的初值问题。

    The equations of nonlinear viscouselastic beam are considered, The existence of absorbing set and inertial manifolds for the system are obtained, and from which we get that the P D E.


  • 考虑具有介质阻尼及非线性粘弹性本构关系梁方程,证明了它的有界吸收有限维惯性流形存在性,由此得到在一定的条件下所给偏微分方程等价于一常微分方程组的初值问题。

    The equations of nonlinear viscouselastic beam are considered, The existence of absorbing set and inertial manifolds for the system are obtained, and from which we get that the P D E.


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