The average population density of the world is 47 persons per square mile.
The population density of that country is 685 per square mile.
Its congested population hits 12, 750 people per square mile.
The United Nations estimates that there are 47,000 pieces of plastic in every square mile of Earth's oceans.
The United Nations estimates that there are 47, 000 pieces of plastic in every square mile of Earth's oceans.
With more than 8, 058 people per square mile, making your way through the crowds could prove to be a challenge.
Ice shelves in the Antarctic will have decreased by more than 7, 200 square miles in the next four decades.
Ice shelves in the Antarctic will have decreased by more than 7,200 square miles in the next four decades.
When it comes to population density (the number of people per square mile), some cities really push the envelope.
Today the city is home to more than 700, 000 residents, and a whopping 16, 636 people occupy every square mile.
尼日尔三角洲沿尼日利亚大西洋海岸绵延12 400多平方英里。
The Niger Delta extends over 12, 400 square miles along Nigeria’sAtlantic coast.
The 23rd district is immense, at about 14,700 square miles (38,000 square km).
The rebound the following year, such as it was, added a mere 7,700 square miles.
The moon's surface area is roughly 15 million square miles—only 3 million more than Africa's.
In dry northeastern Brazil, Australian eucalyptus covers more than 15,000 square miles.
In dry northeastern Brazil, Australian eucalyptus covers more than 15, 000 square miles.
Overall, the reserve is around 140, 000 square miles in size, larger than the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
The few square miles of forest here are home to 14 new species found nowhere else.
But it's going to be difficult to spot a movie star among the hordes of habitants: approximately 7, 800 per square mile.
Yakutia, the region of which it is the capital, covers more than a million square miles, but it is home to fewer than one million people.
Basically you've got an area now that if you take into account the wider vicinity of the southern part of the Indian Ocean, you are talking about two million square miles.
Our planet's surface covers 197 million square miles with 57 million square miles of land and the rest as water.
Area city, 199 square miles (516 square km); metropolitan area, 1, 907 square miles (4, 939 square km).
Although they may not be as packed as some of the other locales on the list, the Minnesota twin cities are still pretty jammed with nearly 7, 000 people per square mile.
Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a 1 million-square-mile waterway between Somalia and Yemen.
1月份以来,至少有91艘船只在1百万平方英里的亚丁湾海域被劫。 亚丁湾位于索马里和也门之间。
Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a 1 million-square-mile waterway between Somalia and Yemen.
里海是世界上最大的内陆水体。 里海面积371,000 平方公里 (143000 平方英里).
And it's the largest inland body of water in the world and have a area of 371.000
Over the past year, the Consolidated Copper Company (CCC) has purchased over one million square miles of land in the tropical nation of West Fredonia.
Over the past year, the Consolidated Copper Company (CCC) has purchased over one million square miles of land in the tropical nation of West Fredonia.