• 只有被害人家族可以启动一个庭审程序

    Onlya victim or his family can initiate a court action.


  • 丰富完善庭审原则庭审程序设计指导思想

    Perfecting principles of trial is the guiding ideology of trial procedure design.


  • 明确庭审目的功能设计庭审程序目标定位

    Defining the objective and function of court trial is orientation of trial procedure design.


  • 庭审具体制度完善,庭审程序设计主要内容。

    Concreting the specific system is the major of trial procedure design.


  • 庭审程序如何充分发挥其功能合理严格完备程序设计与运用无疑做出引导。

    How to make the function of civil adjudication come true? A reasonable, strict and self-contained procedure designing might do.


  • 按照现代民事诉讼一般原理法院审理民事案件核心阶段中心环节,庭审程序是民事诉讼获得正当性的关键,庭审效果是民事案件质量根本保证

    According to the general principle of modern civil proceeding, holding a session is the core of civil cases, and the proper court procedures can guarantee the fairness and quality of a civil law case.


  • 顾问表示是按照程序行事并且是从纳税人利益出发因为案件由法理数悬而未决每年都花费公款。

    Her advisers say that she followed procedure, and was acting in taxpayers' interests, as the court case was costing public money every year that it went unsettled.


  • 他们工作法庭记录逐字记录必要的证据、法程序会议内容、讲话其它事件

    What they do: court reporters transcribe court proceedings, meetings, speeches and other events where verbatim documentation is necessary.


  • 曼哈顿联邦庭审高盛一名计算机程序指控窃取投行高频交易平台源代码

    The federal trial began in Manhattan of a former computer programmer at Goldman Sachs who is accused of stealing the source code for the investment bank's high-frequency trading platform.


  • 程序补救措施适用必须一致性特别是庭审补救措施。

    And there must be consistency in application of procedural remedies, especially pre-trial remedies.


  • 推进审判公开、检务公开,录制保留全程庭审资料严格规范减刑假释、保外就医程序

    Let the judicial system be more transparent. Record and keep all court files. Strictly regulate procedures of sentence commuting, parole and medical parole.


  • 当事人一审程序提供新的证据应当在一审开庭或者庭审提出。

    A party concerned, if providing new evidence in the course of the first instance, shall provide it before or during the court session of the first instances.


  • 传统审前程序庭审作准备而存在的,功能因此受到限制。

    Traditional pretrial procedure is for the preparation of court trial, so its function will be limited.


  • 如果得到符合规则规定适当通知后,当事人未能出席庭审,并且没有对此提供充分理由仲裁庭继续仲裁程序

    If one of the parties, duly notified under these Rules, fails to appear at a hearing, without showing sufficient cause for such failure, the arbitral tribunal may proceed with the arbitration.


  • 法官则要确保按照程序规则证据规则进行,可能陪审团做出解释,确保所有成员理解相关法律

    The judge ensures that the rules of procedure and evidence are followed in the courtroom, and can address the jury to make sure all members understand the relevant laws.


  • 刑事简易程序核心措施也是通过设置刑事庭审整理程序确定正式庭审程度

    The core measures of criminal summary procedure is to determine the degree of formal court trial through setting procedure of packing up points of dispute before criminal court trial.


  • 本文仅就普通程序简化一新的法庭审程序之不足完善初步探析

    This article explored to the deficiency and improvement of the simplification of the trial in general process.


  • 现行定罪中心庭审结构是导致量刑非程序根本原因所在,构建定罪”“后量刑”的阶段庭审结构便可初步破解这一难题。

    The main reason is the trial which in the center of conviction. The solution is to build two stages structure of court hearing that conviction first, measurement of penalty second.


  • 行政诉讼程序指行政案件起诉法院当事人围绕庭审理所进行一系列活动诉讼程序

    Administrative pretrial procedure is a procedure in which parties make a series of action rounded with trial in court after the administrative case is entertained but is not opened a court session.


  • 刑事证明主体刑事诉讼庭审理中,依照法律规定程序向审判机关提出证据运用证据阐明系事实、论证诉讼主张的活动的国家公诉机关诉讼当事人。

    The criminal subject of proof is public prosecutor and litigants who based on the procedures required by laws, offer evidence and use it to prove contentious facts and further propositions.


  • 说明为什么我们至今无法制造一种通用程序用于,学校教学医疗诊治等。

    This is why we have not made a general program acting as lawcourt judges, schoolteachers or hospital doctors so far.


  • 审理程序进行任何阶段仲裁庭可以举行庭审,听取证人(包括专家证人)陈述证言,听取口头辩论

    At any stage of the proceedings, the arbitral tribunal may hold hearings for the presentation of evidence by witnesses, including expert witnesses, or for oral argument.


  • 我国现行民事诉讼立法并未规定即决判决制度,所有案件无论繁简、是否存有争议只要进入诉讼程序经过庭审理方可作出判决。

    Summary judgment is not exist in our existing civil legislation, so all the case, whether simple or complex, having dispute or not, will be resolved after trial.


  • 法律实行条例得到颁布,同时付诸实施还有“刑事程序”,设想拘押期限限制6个月到期必须进行判;

    A "code of law practice" has been enacted, along with a "law on criminal procedures" which is supposed to limit to six months the period of detention that can elapse before a trial must be held;


  • 法律实行条例得到颁布,同时付诸实施还有“刑事程序”,设想拘押期限限制6个月到期必须进行判;

    A "code of law practice" has been enacted, along with a "law on criminal procedures" which is supposed to limit to six months the period of detention that can elapse before a trial must be held;


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