A service assembly viewpoint leads to "software factory" thinking.
Eight years ago, she was taken off a combination of estrogen and progesterone, fearing dangerous risks.
Sadly for the Yale-like portfolio, its beta rose sharply in the third quarter of 2008 when the market was in turmoil as Lehman collapsed.
It shows Hudec's mastery through its fine proportions, the grouping of elements, the combining of different materials for effect and attention to detail.
The combination of this kind of nouns with degree words makes up the vacant problem of adjectives semantic expression and results in the conversion of some nouns to both nouns and adjectives.
Some keystroke combinations may not work, some mouse activity may not work, or some events may not be raised as expected.
A collapse in financial profits (so significant in the us economy), a house-price crash and a big rise in commodity prices are a combination likely to generate a long and deep recession.
This not only influences circumstances, it triggers a profound personal realignment, thus your inability to analyse even simple issues.
The title finish has been developed based on proper mixture of oligomer and monomers and incorporation of non-yellowing photoinitiator. The formulations are designed for various plastics.
本发明的体积型全息图记录用感光 性组合物含有光聚合性的体积膨胀性化合物和光聚合引发剂。
Specifically disclosed is a photosensitive composition for volume hologram recording characterized by containing a photopolymerizable, volume-expandable compound and a photopolymerization initiator.
The invention features a polymerizable composition that comprises a free-radically polymerizable acidic resin, and a photoinitiator system comprising a polycyclic aromatic component.
一种底层涂料组合物,该底层涂料组合物含有主体树脂和稀释溶剂,含或不含助剂,其中,该底层涂料组合物还含有可在紫外光下固化的树脂及光 引发剂。
The invention relates to prime paint combination contains main body resin, diluted solvent, auxiliary agent or not, and photo-initiator which can be solidified in ultraviolet light.
本发明提供一种聚核苷酸佐剂组合物以及引发免疫反应的使用方 法。
The present invention provides a polynucleotide adjuvant composition and methods of use in eliciting an immune response.
One exemplary ink-jet ink composition includes a liquid vehicle, a milled pigment, a photo initiator and a halogenated polyolefin.
Composite resin is a kind of dental material composed of resin martrix, pre-treated filler and initiating system which has been widely used in dental restoration.
The photoinitiator contains biphenyl substituted aromatic ketone compound with hetero atoms or a composite with the compound.
The photoinitiator contains biphenyl substituted aromatic ketone compound with hetero atoms or a composite with the compound.