• 后来,这位冷静的彼得雷乌斯将军一个电视采访中说,相应减少增援很有可能

    The calm General Petraeus later confirmed in a TV interview that some scaling back of the surge was probable.


  • 很有可能这些数据不再可读了,而且需要读取这些媒体设备已经垃圾箱久了

    Chances are that the data is no longer readable and the device where you need to read the media has long been tossed into the trash bin.


  • 一种可能用法代替样式表传递大量参数

    One very likely use is as a replacement for passing a cumbersome number of parameters to the stylesheet. You can break a string into lines of text using the following code.


  • 使存货量相应减少,季度更大减产很有可能

    To get inventories back in line, more production cuts in the current quarter are likely.


  • 不过通过调节生产流程减少过敏原产生倒是可能

    But it might be possible to tweak the production process to reduce the presence of the allergens.


  • 可能2018年前实现退休金平衡成为海市蜃楼

    It could well be that equilibrium in the pension fund by 2018 turns out to be something of a mirage.


  • 实际上可能,所以乔治·威尔意志薄弱明天开始驳斥它。

    In fact, the odds are good that I'll get that argument from George Will on This Weak tomorrow.


  • 但是我们愿意相信2003年《流言终结者推论逃离恶魔岛还是可能

    But we prefer to believe the TV show MythBusters, which concluded in 2003 that the escape from Alcatraz was, in fact, possible.


  • 参数传递创建服务器端函数可能所以我们来看看如何改写一个函数来接受使用参数

    It is highly likely that you will need to pass arguments to the server-side functions you create, so let's see how you would adapt one of the functions to accept and use an argument.


  • 很有可能“犯罪分子”一个被称为CRH”的肽,这种短肽会释放到大脑中和压力焦虑相关的区域。

    A likely culprit was a small peptide called CRH that is released in a part of the brain associated with stress and anxiety.


  • 同样并且重要一点使用XML -RPC完成任务要比选择使用SOAP容易很有可能

    Also, and this is an important point, it's very possible that the task for which you've chosen to use SOAP could be accomplished more easily using XML-RPC.


  • 所以我们考虑这样一个的(但是很有可能场景即是要么达到目标市场不景气或者激烈的竞争一直让提高资金

    So let's consider a bad (but likely) scenario where either you don't hit your targets, the market sours or competition is kicking your butt making it hard to fund raise.


  • 不管做什么——乡间漫步久久泡个澡、冥想探险做个白日梦——你忙碌时,可能这些琐碎时间间隙粉碎生活

    Whatever does it for youcountry walks, long baths, meditation, exploration, daydreamingthere’s a fair chance that, when you’re busy, those gaps of time get crushed out of your life.


  • 所以我们考虑这样一个的(但是很有可能场景即是要么达到目标市场不景气或者激烈的竞争一直让提高资金

    So let’s consider a bad (but likely) scenario where either you don’t hit your targets, the market sours or competition is kicking your butt making it hard to fund raise.


  • 很有可能如果项目范围内,并且准时,在预算之内交付达到质量标准一个会希望如此,质量保证人员也认为项目是失败的。

    And it is likely that no one except a QA person would consider a project a failure if it delivers on all its scope on time and within budget but does not meet all quality criteria.


  • 米兰——科比·布莱恩特NBA停摆期间效力意大利可能”而且这个国家对科比来说一样,因为小时候在那里时间。

    MILAN -kobe Bryant said it's "very possible" he will play in Italy during the NBA lockout, adding the country is like home because he spent part of his childhood there.


  • 所以非常必要房子做一个彻头彻尾的清理,这样才能知道哪里过敏原聚集的地方(很有可能的地点是地毯潮湿区域以及空气过滤器),然后再把它们清扫干净。

    So it's essential that you doa top-to-bottom inventory of your house to determine where allergensare congregating (bedding, carpet, damp areas, and air filters arelikely spots) and clean them up.


  • 疲倦发烧可能流感开始征兆

    Tiredness and fever are much more likely to be a sign of the flu coming on.


  • 教科书行业重组可能必要。

    A restructuring of the textbook industry may well be in order.


  • 很有可能经理施展影响力工作。

    She could probably exert her influence with the manager and get you a job.


  • 可能一个天赋设计师作为经理他却无能。

    He may be a very talented designer, but as a manager he's a dead loss.


  • 今日短程比赛很有可能使稍占优势

    Today's slightly shorter race could well help to tip the scales in her favour.


  • 可能空间时间的。

    It is quite possible that space and time are finite.


  • 50年代灾难似乎是件可能发生的事。

    A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s.


  • 极少数精神病人可能伤害自己他人

    Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others.


  • 今天这种引力补偿很有可能不会发生月球外层过于寒冷坚硬

    Today such gravitational compensation probably would not occur: the outer layer of the Moon is too cold and stiff.


  • 下次考虑吃掉地上的食物时,可能不会生病

    The next time you consider eating fallen food, the odds are in your favor that you can eat it without getting sick.


  • 下次考虑吃掉地上的食物时,可能不会生病

    The next time you consider eating fallen food, the odds are in your favor that you can eat it without getting sick.


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