NewRelic公司宣布37signals—RubyonRails背后的公司—使用了他们提供的Ruby on Rails性能监控器RPM来保证其应用的正常运转。
New Relic announced that 37signals—the company behind Ruby on Rails—uses their Ruby on Rails performance management solution RPM to keep the performance of their applications humming.
These monitors are useful for proactive production monitoring, problem identification, and user performance monitoring and as preproduction test environment tools.
我们将讨论其他的性能监控和调优技术、Design Advisor的使用、活动监控器、表快照函数和其他工具。
We will discuss other performance monitoring and tuning techniques, and the use of the Design Advisor, the activity monitor, table snapshot functions, and other tools.
This paper elaborates on the performances, characteristics, and working principles of Microprocessor Watchdog MAX706. Its typical application circuit is also provided.
Simultaneous collection, storage, and access of up to 32 channels of vibration data are capabilities not previously available in a portable field-based monitor.
Simultaneous collection, storage, and access of up to 32 channels of vibration data are capabilities not previously available in a portable field-based monitor.