• 纸上通告悬挂每个入口处

    Notices painted on sheets hang at every entrance.


  • 悬挂帷幔色彩质地多姿多彩。

    She uses a variety of different colours and textures in her wall hangings.


  • 活动悬挂系统使汽车行驶起来非常平稳

    The active suspension system gives the car a very smooth ride.


  • 一个写着“世界和平”的圣诞花环悬挂饭店门上

    A Christmas wreath exclaiming PEACE ON EARTH hangs on the restaurant door.


  • 有些动物尾巴用来悬挂自己

    Some animals hang by their tails.


  • 它们悬挂树枝上或洞穴天花板上

    They hang from a branch of a tree or the ceiling of a cave.


  • 我们的上方悬挂盏灯

    A lamp hung over us.


  • 正好悬挂山崖上方

    It just hung over the cliff.


  • 猴子尾巴悬挂起来

    Monkeys hang by their tails.


  • 这些蜘蛛结成很大雌性蜘蛛上面成百上千的悬挂

    These spiders spin large webs in which females suspend a cocoon with hundreds of eggs.


  • 我们没有厨房储物柜所以我们饼干放在悬挂毛巾下面的饭盒里。

    We don't have kitchen lockers, so our cookies are in the tub under the hanging towel.


  • 通过墙上悬挂吸音板Sabine减少足够回声使大厅可用

    By hanging panels of sound absorbing felt on the walls, Sabine reduced the echo enough to make the hall usable.


  • 他们水平立柱顶端上方安装了帐篷状的脚手架,在脚手架顶端悬挂滑轮

    They rigged up a tent-shaped scaffold directly above the tip of the horizontal column, with pulleys suspended from the scaffold's apex.


  • 全世界注视下,现场500名消防员奋力阻止大火蔓延悬挂大教堂

    While the world looked on, the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers, where the cathedral bells hang.


  • 只有船体升降架上自由悬挂脱离海床周围泥浆吸力作用时,打捞工作进入第二阶段

    It was only when the hull was hanging freely from the lifting frame, clear of the seabed and the suction effect of the surrounding mud, that the salvage operation progressed to the second stage.


  • 最终悬挂沙龙上时,这对学校来说很好的宣传因为之前从来没有人过一间女子画室

    A great advertisement for the school when the painting eventually hung up at the salon, for a women's studio had never been painted before.


  • 事实上一些宝塔设计中甚至停留地面上,而是塔顶悬吊下来——松散地悬挂建筑中间

    In fact, in some pagoda designs, it does not even rest on the ground, but is suspended from the top of the pagodahanging loosely down through the middle of the building.


  • 空气培植法是种将植物悬挂起来、并根部浸泡营养液中的技术另一种不需要土壤就能种植植物方法

    Aeroponics, a technique in which plants are suspended and the roots misted with a nutrient solution, is another method for growing plants without soil.


  • 一味批评领带主张悬挂下巴下方布料——一个追溯到17世纪的趋势——仅仅一个没有意义的装饰

    Necktie knockers argue that a piece of fabric dangling under your chin – a trend that dates back to the 17th centuryis just a pointless piece of decoration.


  • 清洁工具——块湿抹布海绵——悬挂起来第二使用是很诱人的,不过那样也会使它们成为细菌的滋生地。

    It's tempting to leave your cleaning implementa damp rag or spongehanging around to use the next day, but that could create a germ breeding ground.


  • 这家饭店悬挂欧盟旗帜

    The hotel flies the European Union flag.


  • 知道有悬挂滑翔运动!

    I've just discovered hang-gliding!


  • 大多数建筑物都有悬挂着国旗旗杆。

    Most buildings had a flagpole with the national colours flying.


  • 温迪山顶允许进行悬挂式滑翔滑翔伞运动。

    Hang gliding and paragliding are allowed from the top of Windy Hill.


  • 餐厅里,打悬挂织物能营造雅致氛围

    In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance.


  • 沿途悬挂旗子

    The route was strung with flags.


  • 沿途悬挂旗子

    Flags were strung out along the route.


  • 只购物很不牢靠地悬挂汽车保险杠上

    One of my grocery bags was still precariously perched on the car bumper.


  • 彼得已经造好悬挂第二就把它们在了墙上

    Peter had built the overhead ladders, and the next day he fitted them to the wall.


  • 悬挂在总统办公室的外面。

    It hung outside the Oval Office.


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