A prickly shrub of the genus Rubus, including the blackberry and the raspberry.
Flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins and steroids are the main constituents of Rubus.
Any of various shrubs of the genus Rubus, having usually prickly stems, compound leaves, and an aggregate fruit of small drupelets.
Results: There are 26 species and 10 varieties of 9 subsection of 2 sections in GanSu province.
This article mainly introduced the feature of the Rubus in Qinling mountains and showed some thoughts about how to develop this resource.
Bramble with sweet edible black or dark purple berries that usually do not separate from the receptacle.
The utilization value of Rubus plants as fruit germplasm resources and medicinal plant, and utilization potential of pigment and flavor constituents in the fruit is reported in this paper.
兴安悬钩子:一种蔷薇科的多年生蔓生草本植物(兴安悬钩子悬钩子属) ,原产于北美及欧亚北部地区,开白花,结浅黄可食的果实。
A creeping perennial herb (Rubus chamaemorus) in the rose family, native to northern regions of North America and Eurasia and having white flowers and edible, yellowish fruit.
Through the estimation of the market demand of blackberry products and the estimation of the categories of products, it is hopeful to transform the potential wild value into real productive force.
Through the estimation of the market demand of blackberry products and the estimation of the categories of products, it is hopeful to transform the potential wild value into real productive force.