• 调查对象认为如果触摸不到爱人不到爱人的气味,没有真正情感纽带

    One respondent to the survey believed that there is no true emotional bonding without touching and smelling a loved one.


  • 情感纽带一种在我们投入自己感情并且将我们的感情托付他人所形成社会联系

    Expressive ties are social links formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people.


  • 母亲婴儿之间强烈的情感纽带增强孩子探索世界意愿——这一效应动物领域人类猴子甚至蜘蛛身上都观察到

    Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase children's willingness to explore the worldan effect that has been observed across the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders.


  • 人们注定两种类型人际关系紧密相连:情感纽带工具纽带

    People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds: expressive ties and instrumental ties.


  • 情感纽带初级社会群体中起主导作用;我们认为一群体的通常依靠他们自己实现目的并且凭借自身的实力体现自我价值

    Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right.


  • 同居双方情感纽带通常已婚夫妇并无区别

    The emotional ties of those who live together are usually no different from those of a married couple.


  • 机器人形成情感纽带人们身上反馈效应什么

    What are the feedback effects of forming emotional bonds with robots on people?


  • 对待社会的友善态度建立一条连接市场情感纽带

    Being prosocial creates an emotional connection to the marketplace.


  • 不论是否是正式合作最佳合作伙伴间必须很强的情感纽带

    Whether a formal relationship or not, the best business partners also have strong emotional bonds.


  • 今年比赛着重挑战参赛者观众达成情感纽带的能力。

    This year's competition challenges participants to make that personal connection with their audience.


  • 读者建立情感纽带,也不是意味着你就应该过分感情化

    You want to create an emotional connection to your reader. That doesn't mean that you should be overemotional though.


  • 是的建立深厚情感联系上,是两国人民文化情感纽带

    Yes, it is founded on a deep emotional connection, by sentiment and ties of people and culture.


  • 维系婚姻家庭之制情感纽带遭受践踏相比身体的折磨不了什么。

    Physical suffering is nothing compared to the trampling down of those tender bonds that form the basis of the institution of marriage and the family that unite man and wife.


  • 反思潜力非常显著因为人们欣赏音乐强有力情感纽带

    Its reflective potential is also significant, because of the powerful emotional connection people experience with their music.


  • 尽管目前情绪有些紧张,但决不能容许使我们之间的亲密情感纽带破裂

    Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection.


  • 收获家人建立新的情感纽带,将每周160美元的购物开支削减三分之二

    The Gain : Cut $160 weekly grocery bill by two thirds, forged new bonds with family


  • 如果童年时期父亲情感纽带以后生活和伴侣成就健康亲密关系

    If you had an emotional connection with your father as a child, you'll be able to enter a healthy, physically intimate relationship with a partner later in life.


  • 如果懂得女性朋友情感纽带你们关系容易随着年册落满尘埃淡褪。

    It's easy to settle for relationships that fade along with those dusty yearbook pages if you don't know how to boost the bonds with your girl PALS.


  • 公司希望利用咖啡客户情感纽带”,在世界各地精心制作出最优秀高品质咖啡产品。

    The company seeks to have a "carefully crafted offering of the finest, high-quality coffees from around the world" with an "emotional connection" between customers and baristas.


  • 如果童年时期父亲情感纽带以后生活和伴侣成就健康亲密关系

    If you had an emotional connection with your father as a child, you ll be able to enter a healthy, physically intimate relationship with a partner later in life.


  • 如果什么东西情感纽带的话,在不尝试控制他们的情形下,允许他们体验他们需要的体验。

    If there's something you have an emotional attachment to, to allow them to experience what they need to experience without trying to control them...


  • 后叶催产让人更宽容,它就大脑中的神经传递素,能建立起爱侣间信任有助于强化双方的情感纽带

    Oxytocin has also been linked to an increased feeling of generosity, and is known to act as a neurotransmitter in the brain, building trust and helping to strengthen bonds.


  • 有些观点提出,促成智商提升并非母乳中的成分而是母乳喂养过程中母亲孩子之间产生情感纽带

    Some theories suggest that it isn't the content of the milk but the bond between mother and child developed while nursing that accounts for some of the boost.


  • 优势其一帮助建立维持朋友和亲人间情感纽带其二,它能帮助父母记录他们子女成长每一个重要阶段

    Strengths: : One, it helps create and maintain the emotional bonds with friends and relatives. Two, it helps parents keep record of every important stage of their children's development.


  • 与此同时更多文化人民与人民之间的交流使中非合作论坛进行情感纽带加深中国非洲传统友谊表示

    Meanwhile more cultural and people-to-people exchanges should be conducted to makeFOCAC an emotional bond to deepen China- Africa traditional friendship said Xi.


  • 以下揭示一些秘密,了解这些秘密你将可以大大提高你个人关系质量并且会加强你关心之间的情感纽带

    Here are some secrets, which will measurable enhance the quality of your personal relationship, and deepen your emotional connection with people you care about most.


  • 人们他们游戏有着很深个人感情也是喜欢真正节日原因之一人们只有视频游戏的才会有的情感纽带

    People have an immense personal connection to the games that they play and that's one of sort of reasons you love doing festivals like this, it's just the emotional bond people have with video games.


  • 母亲孩子之间,那种浓烈的情感纽带增强了孩子探知世界意愿——这种影响广泛存在于动物王国中,像人类猴子乃至蜘蛛的身上

    Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase children's willingness to explore the world-an effect that has been observed across the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders.


  • 母亲孩子之间,那种浓烈的情感纽带增强了孩子探知世界意愿——这种影响广泛存在于动物王国中,像人类猴子乃至蜘蛛的身上

    Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase children's willingness to explore the world-an effect that has been observed across the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders.


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