• 这会是翡翠梦境鸿一瞥吗?

    Is this a glimpse into the Emerald Dream?


  • 鸿一瞥地看到他们

    I got only a fleeting glimpse of them.


  • 于是把头看出窗外巴望着来个奥运村奥组总部大厦鸿一瞥

    So I look out my window and wait for that thrilling first glimpse of the Olympic Village and, nearby, Bocog's high-rise headquarters.


  • 马达可诗剧末了,亚当绝望准备跳崖自尽,却鸿一瞥见到救赎

    At the end of Madach's poem, Adam is about to throw himself off a cliff in despair, when he glimpses redemption.


  • 知名文明冲突? 》亨廷顿无数如椽巨著中的惊鸿一瞥

    TheClash of Civilisations?” was only the most famous of numerous exercises in goring sacred cows.


  • 那些迷们惊鸿一瞥地看到他们偶像进去正在等待的

    The fans caught a fleeting glimpse of their idol as he ran into the waiting car.


  • 封面幻灯片往往不是被直接跳过就是惊鸿一瞥秒钟就一闪而过。

    Thee cover slide is often either skipped entirely or shown for only a second in many presentations.


  • 但是最近我们对于一个附近星系鸿一瞥这个过程提供了证据

    A recent peek into a nearby galaxy provided evidence for the scenario, however.


  • B计划一部舞蹈短片,是对三个洗衣房等待男子惊鸿一瞥

    Plan B is a short dance film about waiting. A brief glimpse at three young men as they are waiting for their laundry.


  • 老人看见海豚凸出身躯惊鸿一瞥水中升起紧追逃跑的飞鱼

    The old man could see the slight bulge in the water that the big dolphin raised as they followed the escaping fish.


  • 是公务之旅,新州、对悉尼印象,犹如惊鸿一瞥只是迷人自然人文景观。

    The previous two business trips left me only glimpses of the fascinating nature and people of the city and New South Wales.


  • 烟袋斜街巷子里抬头仰望,如果窗口惊鸿一瞥扇窗口肯定就是莲花

    Xie Jie, walking in the pipe yard looked up the alley, if there is a window allows you to see these at a glance, door that the window is surely Lotus.


  • 惊鸿一瞥让人兴奋,看了这些知识让我们知道计算机如何建立起来的,为什么那么贵。

    It was so exciting to get a little glimpse and beginning to figure out how computers were built, and why they were expensive.


  • 每天数以百计陌生人坠入爱河,因为惊鸿一瞥,或因为回眸,或只是因为他或她戴的帽子很好笑

    Every day hundreds of strangers fall in love on the strength of a glance, a smile or a particular hat.


  • 我们只是今天Google谷奥开发者大会惊鸿一瞥已经有一些激动人心消息会议中心透露出来

    We're getting the first glimpses of today Google's Google I/O developer conference and already some exciting news is leaking from within the walls of the conference center.


  • 联合打击战机LCS、维尼亚安东尼级登陆舰- 鸿一瞥你们未来海军武力

    The joint strike fighter, the LCS, the Virginia class submarine, and the San Antonio class LPD - just a glimpse into your Navy future force.


  • 那些选择多样外衣毕竟还只是惊鸿一瞥现在我们可以更好看看游戏中将体验的不同的服装的特点

    While these were very brief glimpses of all the different outfits you get to choose from, we now have a better look at the variety of different characters you will get to play throughout the game.


  • 第一次玷污,是年前惊鸿一瞥,我就她勾了魂,之后我就跟踪她,骑士桥那条街上,我把她干了。

    I first spotted her in the street in Knightsbridge ten years ago and was so taken by her haunted beauty that I decided to follow her.


  • 那么上一集莫蒂斯故事线的时候达斯·维达出现剧中,即使仅仅只是鸿一瞥你们这些人来说,究竟有

    IGN: so how cool was it for you guys, even for just a glimpse, to get to put Darth Vader on the show during the Mortis storyline last season?


  • 惊鸿一瞥脸上没有任何兴趣的神情。也许只是因为了他的名字,他本能的了过来,但决定作回应

    In that brief flash of a glance, his face held nothing of interest - it was as if she had called his name, and he'd looked up in involuntary response, already having decided not to answer.


  • 大多数无缘亲见神奇大自然造化之伟力,巨乌贼那如同篮球一般硕大的眼球或独角鲸戟似的长牙通常只是照片中的惊鸿一瞥

    Most of us will never get to see nature's greatest marvels in person. We won't get a glimpse of a colossal squid's eye, as big as a basketball.


  • 不想感叹流年逝去芳华殆尽的伤感在不经意间碰到所有曾经认为漫长美丽的时空它们瞬间成为惊鸿一瞥

    Do not want to sigh fleeting time passing, Fang-hua depleted sad, but always inadvertently touching to all who have that long, beautiful space, they are in an instant become a glimpse!


  • 马克马克,复活节神话中的神祗一刻也许微笑分开时间长,凝望天空的人露出7月11号日全食惊鸿一瞥

    Makemake, a god in Easter Island mythology, may have smiled for a moment as clouds parted long enough to reveal this glimpse of July 11's total solar eclipse to skygazers.


  • 它们同时呈现我们面前时,即使固执己见研究者也会获得一些新的视角;此外此书对更为深奥的问题以色列海湾各国的关系虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,但同样颇有助益

    But their juxtaposition provides even the hardened student with some new perspectives, and there are useful if brief looks at more recondite questions such as Israel's relations with the Gulf states.


  • 它们同时呈现我们面前时,即使固执己见研究者也会获得一些新的视角;此外此书对更为深奥的问题以色列海湾各国的关系虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,但同样颇有助益

    But their juxtaposition provides even the hardened student with some new perspectives, and there are useful if brief looks at more recondite questions such as Israel's relations with the Gulf states.


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