A vast majority of queries to search engines are short and under-specified and users may have completely different intentions for the same query.
So once we interpret an ambiguous or neutral look as angry or happy, we later remember and actually see it as such.
Like all models, this represents a simplified view of reality: there are no intermediate states under development for example, since the definitions of such states are subjective and ambiguous.
The proclamation applied only to areas under Confederate control, and its legal impact was uncertain, but it redefined the nature of the war and was of great symbolic significance.
Similarly, it has never been clear why each major newspaper needs its own car reviewer: a Corolla is a Corolla, whether it is driven in Albuquerque or Atlanta.
Not sure about the need in Sweden, but if the growth in public transportation does not supplement the need of it, then there really is no point in creating so much.
It has been insufficient of the cognizance of the value of the abandon inheritance, which makes the abandon inheritance little and indeterminate prescribed in the Inherited Law.
The last paragraph of your letter under reply is ambiguous. Please clarify.
The geological meaning of attributes was not definite in seismic attribute analysis and how to select the suitable time window were the problem.
It is pointed out that except basic design earthquake intensity the probabilistic definition of the two levels of earthquake protection is ambiguous that can only be understood in average meaning.
流行病学研究显示HDL - C水平和心血管事件间呈负相关,但药物干预后hdl - C水平的变化有何意义还不明确。
In epidemiological studies there is a reverse correlation between HDLc and cardiovascular events but after drug intervention, what the implication is of a change in HDLc is hard to say.
There is a continued general sense of uncertainty in the market and a lack of clarity of actual amount of toxic debt out there, " Gordon said."
There is a continued general sense of uncertainty in the market and a lack of clarity of actual amount of toxic debt out there, " Gordon said."