• 记得第一忘记母亲的情景。

    I still remember the first time I forget Mother's Day.


  • 母亲记得母亲眼睛多么明亮礼物是多么高兴

    On Mother's Day, I remember how bright my mother's eyes were and how elated she was at my gift.


  • 朋友记得从容笑容记得瑞恩是因为天天戴着母亲送给手镯

    His friends remember his easy smile; I remember Ryan because of the bracelet his mother gave me that I wear every day.


  • 母亲,依旧如此的睿智,让下来然后说道:“一下儿子应该记得洗衣机开始就不是属于的。”

    His mother, wise as she was, sat him down and said, "Wait a minute, Son." You must remember, that machine never belonged to us in the first place.


  • 作为一个母亲意识到所有努力孩子们可能记得从前那些日子的丁点,很难的。

    It's hard for me as a mother to realize that for all I try, my kids may only remember the tiniest glimpses of time from these days.


  • 记得母亲那些祷告它们一直伴随着而且已经陪伴一生

    I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.


  • 如果厕所堵住了,是没有父母在身边教导该怎么办的,但是记得母亲一个活塞去修理,所以就学会了如何应对厕所堵塞。

    I didn't have a parent around to tell me what to do if the toilet didn't flush but I remembered my mom using a plunger and I figured out how to do it.


  • 直到母亲医院两个礼拜知道发生什么永远都会记得妈妈告诉艾滋的那天

    Up until about two weeks before she went into the hospital, I never knew exactly what was wrong; and I remember the day my mama told me that she had it.


  • 记得试图母亲描述这种感觉感觉到觉得有些不对头——情绪过于极端了。

    I remember trying to describe it to my mother and I could sense she felt it wasn't quite right - my emotions were too extreme.


  • 母亲——永远记得苦难坚信未来变得更糟——会整天说早就这么告诉了。

    My mother, who never recalled anything but trouble, and was sure the worst was yet to come, would be saying, I told you so, all day long.


  • 很多很多年前离开印度时,母亲送给一些厨具身上我记得它们真是沉甸甸的呵。

    When I left India, which was a long long time ago, my mother gave me certain utensils to take with me, and they were all heavy, I remember that.


  • Ed肺癌神经炎性斑使母亲记忆开始变紊乱记得如何开车,不记得是否过饭了,不记得家里谁去世了-甚至包括父亲

    As Ed's lungs filled with cancer, Mom's brain was becoming tangled in plaque. She forgot how to start the car, whether or not she had eaten and which family members had diedincluding my father.


  • 记得母亲安排丧葬的经历。

    I remembered making funeral arrangements for my mother after she died.


  • 记得当时听到母亲这样说时,真的去看镜子发现真实内心深处受伤

    I remembered hurting deeply as I listened to my mother and really looked in the mirror discovering the truth myself.


  • 记得一个韵文,是母亲很早以前的,没有完全记得足够使成为的一部分,达成的功能。

    I remember a rhyme my mother taught me years ago, which I cannot recall all of, but enough of it has always stayed with me to fulfill its purpose.


  • 记得母亲开心人们快乐包围

    I remember my mother's joy, and the happiness of the people who surrounded me.


  • 母亲而且吃饭记得洗手还有要提醒告诉妹妹同样

    Mother: and remember to wash your hands before meals. By the way, remind me to tell your sister the same thing.


  • 无论现在怎么样还是希望以后怎么样,应当归功于天使一般母亲记得母亲那些祷告,它们一直伴随着而且已经陪伴一生

    All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.


  • 记得尼日尔碰见一位名叫萨迪母亲,在交谈时六个孩子在争相引起她的关注

    I remember visiting the home of a mother in Niger named Sadi, whose six children were competing for her attention as we talked.


  • 记得那个训斥儿子几句,然后送上学母亲的样子。

    I remember that mother who had sent her son off to school after a bit of a row.


  • 记得还是名女童子军的时候,母亲到处去逛

    I remember when I used to be a Girl Scout. My mother would take us everywhere, too.


  • 记得那个神秘小盒子感受到激动感觉到母亲投票不仅仅候选人有关关系一样每个家庭

    I remember the excitement I felt in that secret box, and I felt like my mon's vote wasn't just about the candidate, it was about our family - and all the families just like ours.


  • 每逢母亲孩子们收集紫丁香每年记得那个孤单老人笑脸记下笑容般的仁慈

    Every Mother's Day our kids gather purple bouquets. And every year I remember that smile on a lonely old woman's face, and the kindness that put the smile there.


  • 无论现在怎么样还是希望以后会怎么样还是希望以后怎么样,应当归功于天使一般母亲记得母亲那些祷告,它们一直伴随着,而且经陪伴了一生

    All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.


  • 无论现在怎么样还是希望以后会怎么样还是希望以后怎么样,应当归功于天使一般母亲记得母亲那些祷告,它们一直伴随着,而且经陪伴了一生

    All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.


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