• 企业文化成了继人信息之后企业成长重要战略性资源

    Enterprise culture has become a type of significant strategic resource later on person, money, matter, and information during a company growth.


  • 人类基因重要战略性资源人体的一段特定核苷酸排列顺序

    The human gene, an important strategic resource, is an array of specific sequence of nucleotide acid in the human body.


  • 作用人力资源现代企业战略性资源企业的兴衰成败重要的作用。

    The human resources are the modern enterprise's strategic resources, is playing the vital role to enterprise's prosperity and decline success or failure.


  • 人力资源人类最为宝贵资源,是企业战略性资源也是具有创造性能动性资源

    Human resource is the most valuable resource of mankind, the strategic resource of enterprise, the resource that has creativity and dynamic also.


  • 全球化竞争知识经济时代核心员工成为企业战略性资源,也成为人才市场主要争夺对象

    In the era of global competition and knowledge economy, key staffs become strategic resources of enterprise and the main target of contention in talent's market.


  • 石油对于国家来说一种极其重要战略性资源对于企业产业来说又是一种具有重要价值特殊商品

    The oil is important strategic resource for national, but for business and industry is a particular commodity with great value.


  • 随着企业竞争的日益激烈人力资源真正成为企业的战略性资源企业开始从战略的角度考虑人力资源管理问题。

    The intense market competition has made human resource become a strategic resource in an enterprise. More and more corporations have looked upon human resource management as a strategic factor.


  • 监测财政资源之外我们必须更具战略性协调方式看待资源筹集

    Beyond monitoring financial resources, we need to look at resource mobilization in a more strategic and coordinated way.


  • 测试资源进行合适的映射之后,这里介绍的前提条件投入一定的关注这种迁移可以帮助获取该迁移所提供战略性优势

    With the proper mapping of your test assets, and paying careful attention to pre-requisites explained here, this migration can help you capture the strategic advantages offered by this migration.


  • 预算不仅仅如何银行帐号钱有关而是关于如何现有资源未来资源进行战略性分配组织争取最大的利益

    Budgeting is not only about how to spend cash sitting in a bank account, but also about how to strategically allocate available and future resources for the greatest benefit to the organization.


  • 以前专门用来维护定制解决方案检查审计数据资源现在可以重新分配,用这些资源支持组织战略性计划

    Resources previously dedicated to the maintenance of custom solutions and the review of audit data can be redeployed to support the organization's strategic initiatives.


  • 知识为基础的经济中,战略性资源不再是传统劳动力资本金融资本,而是知识资本。

    In an knowledge-based economy, the strategic resource is already not the traditional labor force capital and financial capital, but knowledge capital.


  • 人力资源管理成为企业一项战略性管理工作,不但根据企业战略来制定人力资源管理战略,而且反过来影响到企业战略的执行

    Human resource management (HRM) has become a strategic management work. The HRM strategy is made according to enterprise strategy, and it influences enterprise strategy execution in turn.


  • 论文第五部分,还结合ZD集团构建战略性人力资源管理体系具体事例进行实证分析,进一步证实了论文的观点

    In the fifth part of this paper, the author further proves his viewpoints presented therein with a case study on the ZD Group's construction of a strategic system of human resource management.


  • 相对于传统人事管理现代人力资源管理核心理念在于战略性激励”五个字来概括。

    Compared with the traditional personnel management, the essentials of human resources management in modern organization is so-called 'strategic motivation '.


  • 买方市场条件下,顾客现代企业重要稀缺性资源也是最重要战略性资产。

    On the condition of the buyer's market, a customer has been the most important scarce resource as well as the most important strategic asset.


  • 21世纪人力资源规划逐步战术性战略性转变

    In 21st century, human resource plan is changing from tactical to strategic step by step.


  • 空中交通流量管理系统(atfm)对于适应飞行量不断增长、减少延误充分利用空域地面资源具有战略性意义

    Air traffic flow management (ATFM) system has a strategic significance on keeping pace with the increasing of flight flow, reducing delays and making full use of air space and the ground resources.


  • 随着各国空间信息需求依赖的不断加深,空间力量、空间信息资源战略性正日益世人所接受。

    With the extended space information requirements and heavy space information dependence, space strength and information have been convinced to be the strategy resources.


  • 设施资源市场是否得到战略性定位

    Are facilities, resources, and markets strategically located?


  • 能源特别是石油天然气作为战略性资源能源日益稀缺条件往往成为国际行为体争夺和斗争的焦点

    Energy, especially oil and natural gas, as a strategic resource, the growing scarcity of energy under the conditions of international actors often the focus of contention and struggle.


  • 中国已经采取了一种强调生产能力战略性积累获得资源经济增长战略

    China has adopted an economic growth strategy that emphasizes strategic accumulation of productive capacity and access to resources.


  • 基础性自然资源战略性经济资源,是生态环境的控制性要素

    The water is the foundational natural resource and the strategic economical resources, and it is the essential factor of ecological environment.


  • 基础性自然资源战略性经济资源,是生态环境的控制性要素

    The water is the foundational natural resource and the strategic economical resources, and it is the essential factor of ecological environment.


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