• 初学者手枪发射只是空弹

    A starter's pistol fires only blanks.


  • 拇指打开手枪保险栓。

    She thumbed off the safety catch of her pistol.


  • 他们以雄辩论据支持全面禁用手枪

    They argue persuasively in favour of a total ban on handguns.


  • 他们要求彻底禁止拥有手枪

    They wanted a total ban on handguns.


  • 手枪已上所以我们能逃走纯属巧合。

    The pistols were loaded so our escape is indeed providential.


  • 一支手枪宽松衬衣里面并那么

    A pistol wasn't that hard to hide under a loose shirt.


  • 非法使用手枪

    He was convicted of illegally using a handgun.


  • 手枪轻易地破碎了。

    The pistol came to pieces, easily and quickly.


  • 个被害者打过,两个遭到枪击。

    Three of the victims were pistol-whipped and two were shot.


  • 突然难以相信事情发生了拔出手枪

    Suddenly the unthinkable happened and he drew out a gun.


  • 法国手枪严格枪支管制,用步枪却没有

    France has tight gun-control laws for handguns, but not for hunting rifles.


  • 据说,他用亲眼所见亲吻妻子男子

    He allegedly pistol-whipped a man he saw kissing his wife.


  • 是的知道事。”凯利一边把消音器手枪一边说道

    "Yes, I know that," Kelly said, screwing the silencer onto the pistol.


  • 手枪回去。”威胁地

    "Put back that pistol first," it said threateningly.


  • 穿上大衣,把手枪腰带

    He had his overcoat on, and his pistols thrust into his belt again.


  • 未经适当授权手枪带入香港严重罪行

    To bring a hand gun into Hong Kong without proper authorization is a serious offense.


  • 警方发现了一把

    The police also found a pistol.


  • 我们手枪棍棒——”鼠兰特喊道

    "with our pistols and swords and sticks—"shouted the Rat.


  • 卡车上抓起手枪绳子说道:“我们抓住。”

    He grabbed his pistol and a rope from his truck, and said, "let's get him."


  • 也许是这样有人设法手枪带上飞机否则可能那里

    Maybe so, but someone managed to get that hand gun onto the aircraft or it couldn't have been there.


  • 根据所作出陈述包里发现手枪之前,你从来没有见过

    According to the statement you made, you had never seen the handgun before it was found in your bag.


  • 我们互相挑战手枪单腿下蹲或是倒立大多数时候我们不能有趣。

    We challenge each other to do pistols (one-legged squats) or handstand pushups. Mostly we can't, but it's fun.


  • 协会所支持的的项目允许中上层阶级持有炸弹穷人除了手枪则手无寸铁。

    What your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns.


  • 所以协会支持一个允许中上层阶级持有炸弹穷人除了手枪则手无寸铁的项目

    So what your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns.


  • 只有7发左轮手枪弹药

    He had only seven rounds of ammunition for the revolver.


  • 警方名男子持有一支左轮手枪

    City police said the man was armed with a revolver.


  • 那个男人用手枪开了

    The man fired several shots from his pistol.


  • 拔出左轮手枪对准

    She drew a revolver on me.


  • 赛曼先生抓住了左轮手枪

    Mr. Sesemann seized his revolver.


  • 现在看来他们行李里发现了一把

    Now it seems that a handgun was found in your luggage.


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