• 萨姆啪啪不停地开关着手电筒

    Sam was flicking a flashlight on and off.


  • 钥匙,请手电筒照着锁头。

    Shine the torch on the lock while I try to get the key in.


  • 他用手电筒地窖各处照照。

    He shone the flashlight around the cellar.


  • 那个男子照着手电筒慢慢地走去

    The man walked slowly toward her, shining the flashlight.


  • 手电筒光柱照时,呆住了。

    She froze when the beam of the flashlight struck her.


  • 上衣口袋里拿出手电筒打开

    He took his flashlight from his jacket pocket and switched it on.


  • 手电筒勉强照见幽暗处

    The flashlights barely penetrated the gloom.


  • 皮特手电筒照射鲍勃蒙胧身影

    Pete's flashlight picked out the dim figures of Bob and Chang.


  • 莱恩借着手电筒仔细察看了一会儿

    Len studied it a moment in the beam of his torch.


  • 帐篷里外科医生手电筒的光亮进行手术。

    Surgeons are performing operations in tents by torchlight.


  • 手电筒的光旋转掠过海滩,而后越到水面搜寻着

    The torchlight swung across the little beach and out over the water, searching.


  • 手电筒光束指向地板

    He pointed the torch beam at the floor.


  • 突然有人亮了手电筒

    Suddenly, somebody flashed an electric torch.


  • 手电筒这儿照一照。

    Shine your flashlight over here.


  • 手电筒亮了一下。

    He flashed the torch on for a second.


  • 手电筒霍然一亮。

    Suddenly somebody flashed an electric torch.


  • 不见底,最好带上手电筒因为它要多有多黑。

    It's deep and you'd better take a flashlight because it's as black as it can possibly be.


  • 摸索着手电筒滑落地上了。我找到它,拉了拉开

    I fumble for my flashlight, but it falls to the floor and goes out. I find it and pull at the switch.


  • 需要一个手电筒否则就看不到糖果了而且可能有点吓人

    You will need a torch or you won't be able to see sweets, and it might get a bit too scary.


  • 例如我们可以手电筒收音机食物饮用水一些工具来装满一个手提箱

    For example, we can pack a suitcase with flashlights, a radio, food, drinking water and some tools.


  • 选择手电筒效果后预览窗口中应该可以看到图像中间一个聚光灯

    Once you choose Flashlight, look at the preview window and you'll see a small spotlight in the center of your image.


  • 放入这些水母做成黏液中进行浸泡观察到这样就可以“手电筒一样照亮道路”。

    A walking stick dipped in the glowing slime of a jellyfish, he observed, "will light the way like a torch".


  • 位资深人士表示:“对冲基金过去个人拿着手电筒偏僻的小巷里建立起来的。”

    "Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight," says one veteran.


  • 手电筒光束树林疯狂地跳动搜索灌木丛中跌跌撞撞树桩倒下原木磕磕绊绊

    Beams from the flashlights bounced crazily among the trees, and the search party crashed through the undergrowth, stumbling over stumps and fallen logs.


  • 我们家中使用无线手提工具比如真空吸尘器手电筒钻头,都来自早期太空项目里技术

    The cordless, hand-held tools we use in our homes, such as vacuum cleaners, flashlights, drills and saws came from the technology of these early space programs.


  • 停下来休息的时候,皮特关掉手电筒

    Stopping to rest, Pete shut off the flash.


  • 导游手电筒照射洞穴

    The guide flashed a light into the cave.


  • 池也是一个手电筒,它可以提供十个小时的照明。

    The battery is also a flashlight, and it can provide ten hours of light.


  • 二,在你的包里放一张地图、一个指南针和一个手电筒

    Second, pack a map, a compass, and a flashlight in your bag.


  • 果你的铅笔盒坏了、手电筒的电池没电了、或者你吃剩下了一些食物,你将如何处理这些东西?

    If your pencil box is broken, the batteries in your flashlights run out, or you have some leftover food, how will you deal with these things?


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