• 抓住手腕使无法挣脱

    He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn't get away.


  • 手指使劲抓住布莱克手腕

    His fingers clawed at Blake's wrist.


  • 感觉指甲进了手腕

    I felt her nails sink into my wrist.


  • 身材苗条,有着纤细的手腕脚踝

    She was slender, with delicate wrists and ankles.


  • 手腕开始着的布带子擦痛

    His wrists began to chafe against the cloth strips binding them.


  • 手腕灵巧地一抖熄灭火柴

    With a deft flick of his wrist, he extinguished the match.


  • 停下来面对着放开了她的手腕

    He stopped and faced her, releasing her wrist.


  • 为了一个香烟广告攀岩折断了手腕

    He broke his wrist climbing rocks for a cigarette ad.


  • 手腕绳子地方都磨红了。

    Her wrists chafed where the rope had been.


  • 手指握住手腕

    His fingers curled gently around her wrist.


  • 手腕球传了回来

    He threw the ball back with a quick flick of the wrist.


  • 手腕轻微关节炎

    I have a touch of arthritis in the wrist.


  • 命运线始于接近手腕处。

    The fate line begins close to the wrist.


  • 手镯手腕扣牢。

    She clasped the bracelet around her wrist.


  • 紧紧抓住手腕

    Kay grasped him by the wrist.


  • 师傅突然把只手伸过桌子抓住手腕

    Masters shot a hand across the table and gripped his wrist.


  • 医院所有新生儿手腕都套着写名字手箍

    All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists.


  • 双臂到她的背后,把手铐扣她的手腕

    He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.


  • 指甲进了手腕

    She dug her fingernails into my wrist.


  • 立即刺穿手腕鲜红雪地上。

    She pierced her wrist immediately and then bright red blood dropped down on the snowfield.


  • 手腕

    He received a bullet in the wrist.


  • 检查手腕手指活动应有背部紧张的情况。

    Check for wrist or finger movement, there should be none with back tension.


  • 握住科林手腕袖子推上去,了摸他的胳膊

    He was holding Colin's wrist and he pushed up his sleeve and felt his arm.


  • 瘀伤已经消退看到手腕周围痛苦痕迹

    Her bruises had faded, but I could still see the evidence of her agony around her wrists.


  • 简单手腕动作就能使锋利的刀片迅速切碎大量药草

    Simple wrist-twist motion activates sharp blades that will quickly mince even large quantities of herbs.


  • 当然他们可能经常遭受严重膝盖手腕受伤,和流鼻血

    Of course, they may often suffer serious knee and wrist injuries and bloody noses.


  • 手腕现在擦伤所以可能绳索里硬出来的。

    My wrist is all scraped now, so I must have pulled it through the cord.


  • 记得擦洗到所有表面包括手背手腕手指间指甲下面

    Remember to scrub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers, and under your fingernails.


  • 仪式一部分包括仪式剪发新郎新娘手腕圣水里的棉线

    Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, tying cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride's and groom's wrists.


  • 其他手腕奇怪的是,又插了我的右臂,然后插进了我紧闭的双眼。

    Other needles were slipped into my left wrist and, strangely, into my right arm, and then into both my closed eyelids.


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