One way to lower costs will be to forge alliances with foreign companies or to expand internationally through appropriate takeovers – in short, to "globalize."
The companies were happy to oblige: with domestic fields maturing, their best route to increased profits was to expand their businesses overseas.
这为猿通过任何必要途径扩张领土- - -以及(攫取)相关资源,提供了进化的诱因。
This provides an evolutionary incentive for the apes to expand their range-and its associated resources-by any means necessary.
You'll also have an opportunity over the next week to share an artistic talent with someone in your local community, which may also give you another way to expand your status.
Gas second expansion theory of base bleed is a kind of approach which can increase efficiency of base bleed.
There are many approaches to vertebral augmentation surgery, including vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty.
Therefore it is important to realize the agricultural labor transference by encouraging the policy of the industrial expansion.
Brand expansion has become one of the main channels to expand market network and improve core competence of hotel groups in China.
The limitation to the budget of public finance education results in that the financing liabilities is an indispensable path in scale expanding of universities.
Diversification is an important approach for most corporate to develop and extend. But there is always a lack of an appropriate technique for strategic option.
Palacios' research group is trying to find ways of increasing the market for electronics by 10-fold.
Palacios 'research group is trying to find ways of increasing the market for electronics by 10-fold.
Such stretching is exactly what scientists say best keeps a brain in tune: get out of the comfort zone to push and nourish your brain.
Through analysis of consumption in promoting economic growth and the mechanism of restricting Chinese consumer expansion in China, discusses the deep reason of promoting consumption policy approaches.
The purpose of the paper is to analyze characteristics of urban land expansion and regional discrepancy, and to examine the main driving mechanism of urban land use change.
The purpose of the paper is to analyze characteristics of urban land expansion and regional discrepancy, and to examine the main driving mechanism of urban land use change.