• 根据电子储存理论模型,采用迭代方法实测响应矩阵计算束流横向振荡振幅函数相位

    A method for extracting the beta-function and phase of the beam position monitors and the corrector magnets from the measured response matrix based on storage ring theoretical model is presented.


  • 在增益色散效应的影响下,得到相似脉冲渐进解析解的振幅函数相位函数、线性啁啾函数和脉冲时域宽度。

    We have obtained the self-similar pulse amplitude function, phase function, strict linear chirp function, and thee?ective temporal pulse width.


  • 一个时间空间函数分解具有一定振幅相位正弦函数(正弦余弦)之和(或积分)的过程

    The process of decomposing a function of time or space into a sum (or integral) of sinusoidal functions (sines or cosines) with specific amplitudes and phases.


  • 文中着重讨论了三类加热函数波动振幅影响

    The effect of three kinds of heating functions on the wave amplitude are emphatically discussed.


  • 根据观测振幅曲线可以拟合观测解析函数

    A analytic function can be derived to fit the observed amplitude value curve.


  • 届时发生依靠持续等级柏林函数整体振幅屏幕分辨率(翻译的烂)。

    Exactly when that happens depends on the level of persistence, the overall amplitude of the Perlin function and the bit resolution of your screen (or whatever).


  • 本文切比雪夫分布泰勒分布的基础上,提出一种新的振幅分布正态分布,并利用正态分布密度函数设计阵列天线。

    Based on Tchebycheff distribution and Taylor distribution, this paper presents a new amplitude distribution-normal distribution, the density function of which is used to design an antenna array.


  • 它包括使用两个复数透光片,其中一个振幅透射率等于系统相干脉冲响应函数一则为其共轭复数

    The amplitude transmittance of one of them is assumod to be the same function as the coherent impulse response of the system, and that of the other being complex conjugate of the former.


  • 本文通过计算指出,时间有关,则体系函数可以精确求解,从而得到跃迁概率振幅精确表达式

    It is pointed out that the wave function of system can be exactly solved if the perturbation only depends on the time, and the exact expression of transition probability amplitude can be obtained.


  • 传递函数表示音响系统特性振幅响应还有相位响应。

    The characteristics of audio system represented by a complex transfer function include not only amplitude response but also phase response.


  • 探讨地球动力学扁率刚体地球章振幅刚体地球章动转换函数影响

    In this paper, the effects of the value of the Earth dynamical flattening on rigid Earth nutation amplitudes and the transfer function of non-rigid Earth nutation are discussed.


  • 讨论散射振幅解析性质和函数能谱方程以及的非相对论近似。

    The non-relativistic approximation of wave functions and energy equation and phase shifts are also studied.


  • 本文提出了一种模拟原型滤波器振幅平方函数设计无限脉冲响应(IIR)”数字滤波器的方法

    A technique used to design infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filters from the squared magnitude function of a normal analog lowpass filter is presented in this paper.


  • 水滴从不同高度滴在平板音箱板面各个位置,根据等动量法,建立水滴直径同平板音箱振动信号振幅之间的统计函数关系。

    According to the equal-momentum principle, the regression relation between the diameter of the water-drop and the amplitude of the signal can be established.


  • 基于孔径接收对数振幅时间相关函数,结合星地激光下行链路的实际情况,推导适用于星地下行孔径接收的闪烁频谱表达式

    Based on the temporal covariance of logarithmic amplitude, analytical expression was obtained for aperture receiving power spectrum of atmospheric scintillation of satellite-to-ground downlink.


  • 函数辨与旁辨振幅最大能量比都是函数重要性能指标

    The amplitude ratio of the mainlobe to sidelobe of window function is an important index and so is the maximal energy ratio.


  • 互相函数最大幅度事件波形振幅距离具有相同的衰减规律。

    Amplitude degressions with distance of single event waveform and crosscorrelation functions are much similar.


  • 分析了技术测量样品纵深结构时图像的形成机理,结果表明相当于振幅线性平移不变系统,从而可用相干传递函数描述系统性能

    It has been proved that the OCT system behaves as a linear shift invariance system and can be described precisely by a coherent transfer function (CTF).


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在特性进行了理论分析得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that there is an optimum value...


  • 通过长程情况马尔科夫近似得到互相关函数对数振幅相位协方差函数

    According to the Markov approximation under a long haul condition, we get the inter-correlation function, log-amplitude and phase covariance function.


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在最优值特性进行理论分析得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that t...


  • 推导多层介质透射电磁波电场振幅与介质表面入射电磁波电场振幅之间关系式,引入了一个母函数,通过微分可以生成介质各层中的透射

    In this paper the relations between the amplitudes of electromagnetic waves propagating in multilayer media and those of incident waves on surface are deduced.


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在特性进行了理论分析,并得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that there is an optimum value of oi...


  • 振幅可简单表示包含激光参量N塞尔函数乘以激光场时电子—氧原子散射程函近似散射振幅

    The expression is written as a product of a N order Bessie function, containing parameter of the laser field, times thee-H scattering amplitude without leser fi…


  • 振幅可简单表示包含激光参量N塞尔函数乘以激光场时电子—氧原子散射程函近似散射振幅

    The expression is written as a product of a N order Bessie function, containing parameter of the laser field, times thee-H scattering amplitude without leser fi…


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