• 粗糙面的大小振幅影响显著

    It is obvious that the asperity size effects on the amplitude spectrum.


  • 主要应用傅立叶变换方法计算各种信号振幅相位

    This paper presents computation of the signal's amplitude spectrum and phase spectrum the Fourier transform.


  • 采用振幅频率方法研究区域衰减效应局部场地响应

    Furthermore, with the method of amplitude ratio with different frequency selected, the areal attenuation effect and local site response have been studied.


  • 具体实现采用了平均法,正确估算地震子波振幅

    The specific measure taken is to average the multiple channel spectra so as to estimate correctly the amplitude spectra of seismic wavelets.


  • 视等厚层状吸收介质模型入手理论计算地震反射波的振幅

    Starting from the layer absorbing media model, the amplitude spectrum is calculated theoretically.


  • 测井曲线进行付氏变换纵向分辨率可以分析振幅斜率变化获得

    Used Fourier transforming the nuclear logs, its vertical resolution can be achieved from analyzing the changes of amplitude spectrum slope.


  • 在这类强迫方程中包含10类内这些最终均可利用内波振幅表示

    There exist 10 spectra in the source terms of the nonlinear spectra equation, and all the unknown spectrum can be denoted in terms of the amplitude spectrum.


  • 通过一个球形信号进行傅立叶正反变换,发现相位恢复的图形轮廓振幅恢复的图形轮廓清晰

    Taking the sphere signal as an example, it is found that the phase spectrum is clearer than the amplitude one in resuming input signal.


  • 信号径向平均对数振幅可以多条斜率不同直线段拟合,直线斜率即为相应等效深度

    The radially averaged log amplitude spectrum of potential field can be modeled by lines with different slopes, which are the depths of the corresponding equivalent source layers.


  • 使用相匹配滤波技术提取振型相位然后再利用时变滤波进行振幅校正,以此分离出基阶型面波信号

    Phase-matched filter is applied to extract phase of fundamental surface wave, and then time-variable filter is used to correct amplitude spectrum in order to isolate fundamental mode signs.


  • 方法单波很好的分解能力提供振幅能量曲线PRONY滤波剖面等三类显示,并具有较强质控手段

    The method has good decomposing ability for a single wave, can provide three kinds of shows such as amplitude spectrum, energy curves and PRONY filtered sections, having a strong QC tools.


  • 利用逆散射理论通过测量离体血管声散射场振幅谱的大小周期,重构主动脉离体血管内外半径,重构参数的相对误差<4%。

    Inverse scattering theory was applied to reconstruct the inside and outside radii of the aortic blood vessels of a pig by scattering spectrum. The relative errors of reconstruction were less than 4%.


  • 根据子振幅估算最小位子波已有多种方法,本文对用希尔伯特变换法、同态法、相位子波法、松弛迭代法等估算最小相位子波,进行了详细的分析。

    Among the methods for estimating the minimum phase wavelet from its amplitude spectrum, methods of Hilbert-transform, of homomorphy, of zero-phase wavelet and of relaxation-iteration are analysed.


  • 我们计算机计算高能相对论电子通过我们设计的渐变振幅摆动器时自发

    Using a computer, the spontaneous spectra produced by relativistic electrons traveling through a tapered amplitude helical wiggler are calculated.


  • 相应正弦波求得振幅相位变化率可以检测平面波入射方向功率

    Derection and power spectrum of an incident plane wave are estimated by evaluating amplitude and rate of phase change of the corresponding sinusoidal wave.


  • 液氮水中进行了有限振幅声波实验观察到了次谐波现象得出了分岔

    The phenomenon of subharmonic bifurcation is observed in experiments of sound wave of finite amplitude, which are performed in liquid nitrogen and water, respectively. The power spectrum is obtained.


  • 振幅、漫衍稀度等已经知统计特征随机信号

    A random signal of known statistical properties of amplitude, distribution, and spectral density.


  • 讨论散射振幅解析性质和函数方程以及的非相对论近似。

    The non-relativistic approximation of wave functions and energy equation and phase shifts are also studied.


  • 提出在一测量干涉图中获取振幅相位信息进行组织细胞表征方法

    A new method for characterizing living tissue cells is demonstrated using both phase and amplitude information derived from the spectrally resolved interferogram in a single measurement.


  • 发现效应使增益变窄、振幅增长速度减慢,而且其影响程度与色散缓变参量有关。

    It is found that the main effect of self steepening is the reduction of the growth rate and the frequency range over which the gain occurs.


  • 详细研究振幅调制型“缺陷”尺寸大小调制幅度对受调制光束分布影响

    The influence of the size and the modulation amplitude of the defects on the intensity distribution and angular spectrum of the beam is also studied.


  • 计算体现了空气冲击波空腔作用后激发的强振幅高频冲击波。

    High frequency with strong level induced by interacting shock wave to cavity wall was expressed in calculation.


  • 振幅条件给出摆动器工作方程导出了电子运动轨迹自发辐射分布。

    Under the condition of small amplitude, the operating equations of the wiggler are given, and then, the trajectories of the beam electrons and the angular spectrum of spontaneous emission are derived.


  • 利用干涉分量消除光源分布影响,获得两束干涉光的振幅比;

    The effect of the light source spectral distribution can be cancelled out with the help of the zero order spectrum of the Fourier transform of the interferogram.


  • 分析了发音持续时间平均振幅基音频率,第一共振Mel频率倒参数,并基于模糊理论提取了各参数权重

    The improved method based on fuzzy entropy, which analyzed and distilled the weight of speech duration, average magnitudes, pitch frequency, formants and Mel-frequency cesptral coefficients.


  • 分析了发音持续时间平均振幅基音频率,第一共振Mel频率倒参数,并基于模糊理论提取了各参数权重

    The improved method based on fuzzy entropy, which analyzed and distilled the weight of speech duration, average magnitudes, pitch frequency, formants and Mel-frequency cesptral coefficients.


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