An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money.
What did the authors conclude, and what did the donors subsequently do?
In successful projects the reciepient and the donor are partners.
Since moving to the area six years ago, Moore has become a high-profile citizen and benefactor.
For donation, please attach your English name and address for mailing tax-free receipt.
Relatives of some victims are boycotting the court, and donors look twitchy.
Pip's benefactor paid for his education and helped him find a job.
In an asset-building project, problem solving is not the sole responsibility of the professionals or the donors.
Most people (including the vast majority of the ICA’s patrons) want their good deeds to be talked about.
A real good heart expects nothing return after giving, because for both of donators and donatories, donation is a kind of happiness.
He has also been an exceptionally generous donor, giving or lending many millions of pounds in cash and kind.
The business School was named from the biggest benefactor W. Said, who is a Syrian businessman.
Aid donors find it easier to locate the victims of disaster; and victims queue as eagerly for mobile-phone access as they do for food.
The name on some lips was that of Russ Feingold a former senator from Wisconsin.
The name on some lips was that of Russ Feingold, a former senator from Wisconsin.
In several recent disaster zones, victims surprised their benefactors by asking not for food or medicine but money.
And then he proceeded: A donor had given a staggering $100 million to the Erie Community Foundation, and all of the charities would receive a share.
The evidence is clear that gifts to charitable organizations and other worthy causes bring substantial life satisfaction to the givers.
Some people use minis to represent social situations, so I guess Goldie could still appear as the party's benefactor or employer.
上星期希克赫撒纳在国家电台衷心请求捐助人信守承诺。 他说,“我们知道形势艰难,但是请你们最好兑现承诺。”
Last week Sikhosana made a heartfelt plea on national radio for benefactors to make good on their promises: "We know things are tough, but it would be nice to honour the pledges you made."
The World Bank is still needed as a donor to the really poor and as a supporter of global public goods, such as climate-change projects.
Donors keep track of supplies on spreadsheets and send each other SMS messages: this road has been attacked by bandits, that village cut off by floods.
As the stock market dove to uncharted depths, I couldn't help thinking of private colleges, mission agencies, and other nonprofits, all of which depend heavily on the largesse of donors.
I had published my first book of poems by subscrip- tion, O' Leary finding many subscribers, and a book of stories, when I heard that my grandmother was dead and went to Sligo for the funeral.
Ironically, this policy had prompted grumbles from some big individual donors, who asked why firms as rich as Wal-Mart and KKR should be the ultimate recipients of their charity.
Ironically, this policy had prompted grumbles from some big individual donors, who asked why firms as rich as Wal-Mart and KKR should be the ultimate recipients of their charity.