So the three alternative events that the user tried to capture with the three start nodes always occur together and are by no means alternative triggers for the subsequent task.
To capture the changed data, you can place triggers in the respective tables, or use other methods such as Oracle change data capture, which is provided for Oracle databases.
为WINCH信号设置一个陷阱,同时指定get _ window_size函数作为捕获到的信号的触发器。
Set a trap for the WINCH signal as well, and assign the get_window_size function to be the trigger of the trapped signal.
This paper describes a reliable and efficient data concentrating system (DCS) based on the triggers, log tables and an algorithm that can update remote data reliably.
This paper describes a reliable and efficient data concentrating system (DCS) based on the triggers, log tables and an algorithm that can update remote data reliably.