• 放射性散热器体育场辐射半径可变的。

    The radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable.


  • 我们现在通过测量掩埋漂流物中木头放射性碳-14元素,以精确地确定冰川作用的时期

    We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift.


  • 一种放射性自然气体地下散发空气中。

    Radon is a natural radioactive gas that emanates from the ground into the air.


  • 超人力量的源泉,也放射性蜘蛛变成了神秘的瑜珈

    Spidey gains his powers from a mysterious yogi rather than a radioactive spider.


  • 之前放射性释放表明至少一个反应堆堆释放

    Previous releases of radioactive iodine and caesium had shown that material from the core of at least one reactor has been released.


  • 顾客到含有放射性日本蔬菜可能性小得可以忽略不计

    The chances that any customer would eat radioactive fish or vegetables from Japan are negligible.


  • 这些正常的会让甲状腺碘元素饱和从而不再吸收那些放射性的碘元素。

    These saturate the thyroid with safe iodine and stop it taking up the radioactive kind.


  • 他们皮埃尔所发明的仪器来进行测量。玛丽注意钍元素也是具有放射性

    Using Pierre’s invention to make the measurements, Marie noted that thorium was radioactive.


  • 一旦血液融合,便会随着血液流遍全身,全身血液因此含有放射性元素。

    Once it has got into the blood, it is distributed so widely that it becomes a whole-body dose of radiation.


  • 放射性词语保证了一趟高速运转的旅程,而且可能甚至是一个耳光

    It is a radioactive epithet, guaranteed to get you a trip to HR and maybe even a slap in the face.


  • 日本核电站问题大部分那些保存电站存储池里放射性烧过的核燃料棒。

    A big part of the problem at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi power station are the highly radioactive spent fuel rods kept in storage pools at the plant.


  • 其中一个样品还检测到了放射性-137,但是法律限定标准之下

    Radioactive caesium-137 also appeared in one of the samples, but at levels below the legal limit.


  • 由于没有电力需要水泵冷却原子核工程师们放射性蒸汽空气中以减轻压力

    Lacking electricity to pump water needed to cool the atomic core, engineers vented radioactive steam into the atmosphere to release pressure.


  • 为了探测质子衰变放射性假想形式,人们修建了巨大的探测器,但这些探测器从没发现这种东西

    Giant detectors built to look for a hypothetical form of radioactivity in which protons decay never found such a thing.


  • 如果发现了粒子将会决定性展示电磁性放射性特性同一力量十分不同方面

    If discovered, the heavy particle would definitively show that properties like electromagnetism and radioactivity are really different facets of the same force.


  • 放射性烟雾附着农作物上……火灾甚至150公里开外对食物产生这种辐射聚物以至不利于食用

    Radioactive smoke landing on crops... even 150km or more from the fire can create such concentrations of radiation in food it will be harmful to eat.


  • 测量个元素放射性总量原子性质感觉到物质的放射性放射性元素的总量成比例

    She named the other radium. She measured the amount of radioactivity, an atomic property, and felt that the radioactivity was proportional to the amount of the element.


  • 通话20分钟后医生每个注射一种具有放射性然后利用正电子发射断层摄影仪对他们大脑进行扫描。

    Twenty minutes into the call, clinicians injected a radioactive form of sugar into each person, then began imaging their brains with a Positron Emission Topography machine.


  • McGill工作了将近10,在McGill期间做了更多的,关于放射性元素放射性的工作

    And, he worked for a little less than 10 years at McGill where he did more work on these particles that radiate from radioactive elements.


  • 粮食衣服碎片木片等等都可以通过计算它们含有多少放射性元素来判断它们的年代。含的越少,年代悠久

    Food grains, scraps of cloth, bits of wood and so on can thus be dated by finding out how much radioactive carbon is left in them: the less there is, the older they are.


  • 这些癌症其实可以避免只要受到辐射之后,马上儿童们服用不具有放射性的同位素做成的药片。

    These cancers can be prevented if children are given pills containing the non-radioactive isotope of iodine soon after exposure.


  • 美国计划采用一个新的方法,将普通核电站所产生的废料放射性部分隔离快速反应堆中烧毁

    America plans to embrace a new approach in which the most radioactive portion of the waste from conventional nuclear power stations is isolated and burned in "fast" reactors.


  • 一些一般元素,通常核电厂用作核燃料放射性这些元素由于自身的性质是没有无放射性状态的。

    Some elements such as uranium, commonly used as fuel in nuclear power plants, are always radioactive; there is no nonradioactive form of them that naturally occurs in nature.


  • 这块裹尸布中世纪后期遭到火灾破坏也可能增加另外元素,这样会产生放射性碳素使计算年代有所延迟

    The shroud was also damaged by a fire in the late Middle Ages which could have added carbon material, resulting in a higher radiocarbon content and a later calculated age.


  • 石棺内部拆除时,仍然考虑那些放射性残留物所放的地点,能够储存放射性较低的残留物的装置。

    Once the sarcophagus and its contents are dismantled, it remains to be seen where the most radioactive material will be buried, but there are facilities to store the less radioactive remains.


  • 但是如果处于危险环境的人们预先摄入含有放射性的药物,这些碘就会到达甲状腺并且有效地防止放射性的碘的吸收

    But if people at risk receive tablets containing non-radioactive iodine, this reaches the thyroid first and effectively prevents the radioactive isotopes being absorbed.


  • 网上科学漫画XKCD整理出一个令人印象深刻地图标,集中展示辐射剂量的西单位量——测量生物组织放射性吸收水平的单位。

    This impressive chart assembled by the web-based science "comic" XKCD shows how doses scale up in sieverts, the units by which absorption of radiation into living tissue is measured.


  • 孩子容易受到核污染的侵害,是因为他们甲状腺正处于发育过程,如果长期受到放射性的攻击,致癌因素会不断积累,这就容易引起突变

    Children are more vulnerable because the thyroid is still developing and therefore more likely to accumulate cancer-causing mutations over time.


  • 孩子容易受到核污染的侵害,是因为他们甲状腺正处于发育过程,如果长期受到放射性的攻击,致癌因素会不断积累,这就容易引起突变

    Children are more vulnerable because the thyroid is still developing and therefore more likely to accumulate cancer-causing mutations over time.


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