The radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable.
We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift.
Radon is a natural radioactive gas that emanates from the ground into the air.
Spidey gains his powers from a mysterious yogi rather than a radioactive spider.
Previous releases of radioactive iodine and caesium had shown that material from the core of at least one reactor has been released.
The chances that any customer would eat radioactive fish or vegetables from Japan are negligible.
These saturate the thyroid with safe iodine and stop it taking up the radioactive kind.
Using Pierre’s invention to make the measurements, Marie noted that thorium was radioactive.
Once it has got into the blood, it is distributed so widely that it becomes a whole-body dose of radiation.
It is a radioactive epithet, guaranteed to get you a trip to HR and maybe even a slap in the face.
A big part of the problem at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi power station are the highly radioactive spent fuel rods kept in storage pools at the plant.
Radioactive caesium-137 also appeared in one of the samples, but at levels below the legal limit.
Lacking electricity to pump water needed to cool the atomic core, engineers vented radioactive steam into the atmosphere to release pressure.
Giant detectors built to look for a hypothetical form of radioactivity in which protons decay never found such a thing.
If discovered, the heavy particle would definitively show that properties like electromagnetism and radioactivity are really different facets of the same force.
Radioactive smoke landing on crops... even 150km or more from the fire can create such concentrations of radiation in food it will be harmful to eat.
She named the other radium. She measured the amount of radioactivity, an atomic property, and felt that the radioactivity was proportional to the amount of the element.
Twenty minutes into the call, clinicians injected a radioactive form of sugar into each person, then began imaging their brains with a Positron Emission Topography machine.
And, he worked for a little less than 10 years at McGill where he did more work on these particles that radiate from radioactive elements.
Food grains, scraps of cloth, bits of wood and so on can thus be dated by finding out how much radioactive carbon is left in them: the less there is, the older they are.
These cancers can be prevented if children are given pills containing the non-radioactive isotope of iodine soon after exposure.
America plans to embrace a new approach in which the most radioactive portion of the waste from conventional nuclear power stations is isolated and burned in "fast" reactors.
Some elements such as uranium, commonly used as fuel in nuclear power plants, are always radioactive; there is no nonradioactive form of them that naturally occurs in nature.
The shroud was also damaged by a fire in the late Middle Ages which could have added carbon material, resulting in a higher radiocarbon content and a later calculated age.
Once the sarcophagus and its contents are dismantled, it remains to be seen where the most radioactive material will be buried, but there are facilities to store the less radioactive remains.
But if people at risk receive tablets containing non-radioactive iodine, this reaches the thyroid first and effectively prevents the radioactive isotopes being absorbed.
This impressive chart assembled by the web-based science "comic" XKCD shows how doses scale up in sieverts, the units by which absorption of radiation into living tissue is measured.
Children are more vulnerable because the thyroid is still developing and therefore more likely to accumulate cancer-causing mutations over time.
Children are more vulnerable because the thyroid is still developing and therefore more likely to accumulate cancer-causing mutations over time.