It is necessary to step up currency control policy while continuing to stick to an overall stable principle, it said.
To impose stability, it extends a variety of tax credits by anywhere from three to eight years.
Based on stability in dividend policy, this paper studies on the quantity and form of dividend.
This is a moment of truth. We must maintain the consistency and stability of our macroeconomic policies and take further forceful measures to boost our economic growth, consumption and demand.
All economies should maintain the continuity and stability of their macroeconomic policies and take more solid and effective steps to boost consumption and expand domestic demand.
But we took the same policy as we did in the Asian financial crisis, we decided to stabilise the exchange rate.
The goal of civil servants career protection is to absorb the talented personnel, and to guarantee the policy continuity and the stability.
Finally, the author got the conclusion that the importance of "the stability of the function of the demand for money" is declining, and analysed the reasons.
However, the past researches approve that the Dividend Policies of companies in our state are lack of continuity and stability and short-term behaviors are very ordinary.
Third, control policies should focus more on the initiative, foresight and long-term stability, from passive to active regulation.
Domestic research shows that dividend policies of listed companies in China lack of continuity and stability, characterized by short-term speculation, is more serious.
But it is stressed that we should pay attention to the stability of policies, avoiding stock market 's fluctuation, thus triggering social unrest.
We conclude widespread failures in financial regulation and supervision proved devastating to the stability of the nation's financial markets.
Cooperate UAP Managers to define the MOD stability policy, make the action plan and follow the result, to enhance the stability of operators.
It can be referred to by Chinese government to make policies for protecting the security, stability and rent ability of corporation pension funds.
Such timing would of course make fiscal policy an aggravator of instability, not a reducer .
The main tune of macro economic policy in 2003 will be to keep the stability and consistency of policy to further strengthen the basis for economic recovery.
Financial stability has been formally added to the Fed's duties, alongside full employment and price stability.
Dividend policy is the one of the key point of company's financial management. Dividend Signal theory states that the dividend policy can tell the information about the company's future profit.
Dividend policy is the one of the key point of company's financial management. Dividend Signal theory states that the dividend policy can tell the information about the company's future profit.