Generate a data structure that can be sent to the client as a string.
They didn't really care about mixed content, attributes, language independence, or other useful characteristics of XML -- they wanted to send data structures from the server to the client.
Listing 1 shows the data structure you'll use to communicate between Ajax clients and your Groovy script.
After the wrapped component has been executed, its result is transformed by the wrapper into an XML output data structure, which goes back to the scheduler to be transmitted back to the Web client.
Linked list is a kind of common data structure in microcontroller's program, which includes stack, queue and linear list.
The interface designed by this method has good data structure and can be used in other systems based on single chip computer.
This paper presents the design and achievement of a new data structure. The data structure is special for radar signal parallel processing based on a general radar signal processing system.
This paper presents the design and achievement of a new data structure. The data structure is special for radar signal parallel processing based on a general radar signal processing system.