The zebra mussel from Eastern Europe is the most motorious and probably most damaging to the environment.
The zebra mussel from Eastern Europe is the most motorious and probably most damaging to the environment.
The relevant factors that may limit or prevent the spread of the zebra mussel are uncertain.
Researchers are attempting to identify the environmental variables related to the zebra mussel infestation in North American waterways.
此外,你可以假定,单独的斑马贻贝每年都能生长15毫米,生命期介于4 - 6年之间。
Additionally, you can assume individual zebra mussels grow at a rate of 15 millimeters per year with a life span between 4-6 years.
斑 马贻贝依附在各种表面上,诸如码头,船壳,商用鱼网,吸水管和阀门,本地软体动物和其他斑马贻贝。
Zebra mussels colonize on various surfaces, such as docks, boat hulls, commercial fishing nets, water intake pipes and valves, native mollusks and other zebra mussels.
You will have access to some reference data to include listings of several chemicals and substances in the water system that may affect the spread of the zebra mussel throughout waterways.
You will have access to some reference data to include listings of several chemicals and substances in the water system that may affect the spread of the zebra mussel throughout waterways.