"Despite moderate component shortages in the second half of the year smartphone volumes continued to surge across all developed and emerging regions," said Mawston.
Asian countries and regions, in particular, should be encouraged to host more international sailing events and emphasize the popularization and promotion of sailing sports.
We are expanding our outreach to emerging nations, particularly those that can be models of regional success and stability, from the Americas to Africa to Southeast Asia.
And emerging powers in every region of the world are increasingly asserting themselves, raising opportunities for partnership for the United States.
Failure would shake further the faith of the people's region in the emerging international order and the primacy of international law.
Among emerging markets, the region is usually the last to enjoy the fruits of bullish sentiment and the first to feel the effects when rich investors flee to safety.
The equity markets have experienced a year of volatility, with significant increases in volume in emerging markets and declines in developed regions.
Just as the West once underestimated the potential of emerging markets, now it underestimates the power of the region's corporate champions, Mr Van Agtmael believes.
Latin American integration process is accelerating and at the same time Latin American countries' cooperation with other regional emerging powers is being strengthened.
But there is still a long way to go before collections reach European levels in emerging markets or elsewhere in the rich world.
Excitement and volatility are nothing new to an emerging market in the Far East.
An analysis of its 2007 results shows that 63% of group profit came from Asia and Latin America, illustrating its dependence on emerging markets, where the credit crunch has been less severe.
The same could happen in many emerging markets, especially those that rely on foreign capital.
The region lies at a geographic crossroads between India and China, two rising powers.
Until recently big brewers tried to make up for flagging sales in the rich world by pushing into emerging markets.
Santander, finding much of the emerging world outside Latin America closed to it, has shifted its strategy.
If you're very entrepreneurial, emerging markets — including Brazil, the rest of South America, Viet Nam, Moscow, China — are the frontier.
Compared to other emerging markets, such as India and China, there are few collectors, and museums, galleries and exhibitions are thin on the ground.
Emerging economies with currencies most closely aligned to the dollar, notably in Asia and the Gulf, have seen the biggest price rises.
But there are some troubling signs that the area might not be big enough for two rising superpowers.
The theory was that booming emerging markets, such as eastern Europe, South America, the Middle East and North Africa, would compensate for fluctuations in mature markets.
Most South African firms were not welcome in the rest of Africa, he says, and "it wasn't entirely obvious" that Standard Bank's priority should be there or indeed in emerging markets at all.
But these two places account for only about 20% of America's exports; much more important are emerging economies which now buy more than half of its exports.
He argues that the interest-rate cuts that have prompted the dollar to fall have produced a surge in liquidity in fast-growing emerging markets such as China and the Middle East.
He argues that the interest-rate cuts that have prompted the dollar to fall have produced a surge in liquidity in fast-growing emerging markets such as China and the Middle East.