The outcome of the incident is what is called"There is no story without coincidences."
Not incidentally, is "just pick shaved Tam, we met Han scar dysentery. ""
What a coincidence: My immediate superior was the man I had knocked down on the street.
Ross: Oh, you uh, you wanna hear a freaky coincidence? Guess who's doing laundry there too?
Our love story is full of coincidences, which just confirms the famous saying:"No coincidences, no stories. ""
Have no Qiao don't become a book, when three MBA finished open a meeting to return to a city, meet with three engineer in another train station.
Oh, and in the "never a dull moment" category, we had a pretty serious car accident on the drive up, but everybody was okay.
As luck would have it, there happens to be a woman out there named Belle with a heart big enough to share with unfortunate-looking people such as the Beast, and she's not too bad to look at either.
It just happened that there was a family that lived just down the road from us that had children who also were going to the same school.
"Because of the evidence of one Caractacus Burke," said Dumbledore, "who, by an odd coincidence, helped found the very shop whence came the necklace we have just been discussing."
这位现实生活中的哈利·波特还真跟书里面的角色一样,脑袋额头上有个疤(不是泥巴……),而且呢,他还跟在哈利·波特系列电影中的男主角丹尼尔同龄。 果然无巧不成书。
The real Harry Potter also has a scar on his forehead like the book character, and is the same age as Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who plays Potter in the movies.
这位现实生活中的哈利·波特还真跟书里面的角色一样,脑袋额头上有个疤(不是泥巴……),而且呢,他还跟在哈利·波特系列电影中的男主角丹尼尔同龄。 果然无巧不成书。
The real Harry Potteralso has a scar on his forehead like the book character, and is the same age as Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who plays Potter in the movies。
这位现实生活中的哈利·波特还真跟书里面的角色一样,脑袋额头上有个疤(不是泥巴……),而且呢,他还跟在哈利·波特系列电影中的男主角丹尼尔同龄。 果然无巧不成书。
The real Harry Potteralso has a scar on his forehead like the book character, and is the same age as Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who plays Potter in the movies。