• 日常生活中的许多场合人们他们社会关系中获益了解真相获益更多

    On many occasions in daily life, people benefit more from their social bonds than from knowing the truth.


  • 尽管这一信息日常工作中难以觉察,但在进行面试我们的“信号天线敏感,那个场合容不得半点闪失。

    While that message might be subtle enough for everyday work, our antennae are more sensitive in job interviews, where there's no room for risk.


  • 通常情况为,第一见面碰巧是在社交场合工作日常生活某一天

    Often, this first meeting occurs by chance at a social gathering, at work or in the course of one's daily life.


  • 现在已经上周六开始训练不同场合英语日常对话他英语世界里适当礼仪礼貌

    I have started training him since last Saturday daily conversations in different situations, teaching him the proper manner and politeness in the English world.


  • 尽管这一信息日常工作中难以觉察,但进行面试我们的“信号天线敏感,那个场合容不得半点闪失。

    While that message strength be subtle ample for daily work, our antennae are more acute in employ interviews, where there's no room for risk.


  • 所以我们日常交际当中我们需要注意语言习惯使用,我们不仅要把英语学好还要会使用在正确场合

    So in our daily communication, we'd better pay much more attention to the habit usage of language, in the hope that we can not only learn English well but also use it in the correct situation.


  • 非常漂亮日常服装,几乎适合任何场合

    A nice every day outfit suitable for lots of situations!


  • 日常会话其他交际场合中要迅速做出反应首先需要的就是先听得

    A quick response in daily conversation and other communicative situations calls for listening comprehension in the first place.


  • 至于推进瑜伽顺序很重要上升场合热情日常练习

    As for advancing sequentially in Ashtanga Yoga, it is important to rise enthusiastically to the occasion of daily practice.


  • 而且日常生活中尤其社交场合应酬十分重要

    And in the daily life, especially in the social occasion, phatic language is very important too.


  • 掌握英语口语语体变异有助于英语学习者日常交往做到根据不同的场合使用相应语体

    A good mastery of the variations of colloquial styles will make it easier for English learners to make use of appropriate style in various occasions in real daily contact.


  • 建筑设计考虑到了日常家庭生活考虑到他们可能会在家里举行商业会议或者会见朋友等各种可能性的场合

    It was conceived taking into account their normal daily family life, but also their possible representative meeting occasions and convivial moments with friends.


  • 不论是日常卧室办公室,还是为了纪念沙滩度假高中毕业舞会这样特殊场合我们都时时不忘自拍。

    We do it from the mundane comfort of our bedrooms and offices and to commemorate special occasions, like a beach vacation or the high school PROM.


  • 摘要随着起泡我们的日常生活越发普遍,起泡酒已不再只是宴会专属了。那么,不同场合,起泡酒的挑选又有什么讲究呢?

    ABSTRACT: With sparkling wines becoming common in daily life, you may need a quick guide and recommendations for choosing sparkling wines for different occasions.


  • 广泛用于计算机电化教学科学应用远距离使用计算机的场合适宜日常生活工作领域。

    It can be widely used computer electronic and scientific applications such as remote access to computer occasions, also suitable for daily life and work.


  • KENZO童装总找到适合我们小天使的场合,无论是特殊节日还是日常生活

    KENZO girls looks and outfits are not only dedicated to special occasions but can be worn every day.


  • 摘要日常生活中香槟见证了一个又一个重要时刻。香槟适合特殊场合饮用吗?到底能够陈年多久

    ABSTRACT: In our daily life, Champagne has witnessed many significant moments. Is it only suitable for special occasions? How long can Champagne be aged?


  • 日常交往或者商务场合可以,是一种礼貌方式。对朋友陌生人都可以用。

    Casual or Business casual. A polite way to end the letter. Can be used between friends or strangers.


  • 以下简短对话里可以找到一些日常社交场合中常遇到用语

    In the following short dialogs you will find some useful expressions which are often used on various social occasions.


  • 文化有些方面正式场合学习学校其他方面日常生活过程学会非正式的。

    Some aspects of culture are learned in a formal setting, such as a school, while other aspects are learned informally in the process of day-to-day living.


  • 剪纸一项广人们喜爱的民间艺术。无论日常生活、各种节日还是婚宴、寿宴重要场合,人们都喜欢剪纸装点环境,烘托气氛。

    Paper-cut is very popular among the Chinese people, who like to use paper-cuts to decorate their rooms and add more festivity to the special day such as weddings, birthday, etc.


  • 日常生活中人们往往发现某些场合使用过于直接词语使对方不快甚至伤害他们

    In daily life, people often find that too directly words usually make others unhappy even hurt.


  • 日常生活正是观察这些变化过程最佳场合,因为日常生活社会生活的方方面面构成,兼容并蓄,包含一切差异与不同

    A place where those changes and movements can be detected is everyday life, which consists of stereotypes that represent and constitute all kinds of differences.


  • 它们很多颜色款式可供选择,无论是出席同学会还是社交场合,无论是作为出游装备还是宿舍日常着装,羊绒衫都合适不过了。

    As they are available in a range of colors and styles, they are just as appropriate at a formal student meeting as they are at social events, outings or even for casual dorm wear.


  • 它们很多颜色款式可供选择,无论是出席同学会还是社交场合,无论是作为出游装备还是宿舍日常着装,羊绒衫都合适不过了。

    As they are available in a range of colors and styles, they are just as appropriate at a formal student meeting as they are at social events, outings or even for casual dorm wear.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定