• 早期手术可以抑制病情发展

    The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery.


  • 这些结果早期发现相矛盾

    These results conflict with earlier findings.


  • 这位艺术家早期作品范例

    This is a good example of the artist's early work.


  • 十分赞赏毕加索早期画作

    He is a great admirer of Picasso's early paintings.


  • 疾病早期确认避免死亡病痛

    Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.


  • 这项技术处于早期开发状态。

    This technology is still in its early stages.


  • 早期诊断治疗通常可以防止失明

    Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness.


  • 癌症早期查出极为重要的。

    Early detection of cancers is vitally important.


  • 文本有别于那些早期版本

    The text varies from the earlier versions.


  • 早期东西通常都难听的。

    The early stuff is mostly unlistenable.


  • 这些检查旨在早期查出疾病

    The tests are designed to detect the disease early.


  • 早期结果预示这个政府重新执政

    Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.


  • 乳房自检早期癌症发现有价值。

    Breast self-examination is invaluable for detecting cancer in its very early stages.


  • 这座房子建于19世纪早期

    The house was built in the early 19th century.


  • 早期确认儿童特殊教育需求重要

    The early identification of children with special educational needs is very important.


  • 幅油画使想起了毕加索早期作品

    The painting brings to mind some of Picasso's early works.


  • 早期建筑物木质结构,已经消失殆尽。

    Early buildings were made of wood and have perished.


  • 早期报道暗示叛乱武装插手爆炸案。

    Early reports suggest the hand of rebel forces in the bombings.


  • 这个想法早期小说中初见端倪

    The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels.


  • 课文解释了这位哲学家早期思想

    This text illuminates the philosopher's early thinking.


  • 这座画廊藏有那位画家的一些早期作品

    The gallery possesses a number of the artist's early works.


  • 新的检验使医生能在早期发现该种疾病

    The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.


  • 许多收藏家出高价早期作品

    Many collectors are willing to pay over the odds for early examples of his work.


  • 早期抗议仅仅是大革命开始前的预演

    The earlier protests had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.


  • 早期苏格兰银器上都有各个银匠的标记。

    Early pieces of Scottish silver carry the hallmarks of individual silversmiths.


  • 现在科学家能够辨认这种疾病早期症状

    Scientists can now pick up early signs of the disease.


  • 早期报道暗示了一次会议周日举行

    Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday.


  • 描绘了最为大胆直接早期甲壳虫乐队

    It portrays the early Beatles at their most down and dirty.


  • 这种汽车基本设计早期样式非常相似

    The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models.


  • 威廉莫里斯社会主义早期传播者之一

    William Morris was one of the early prophets of socialism.


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