Many of them wasting significant amounts of money on fatty, sugar and cream packed coffee beverages from Starbucks-style coffeehouses.
When you walk into Starbucks, you're offered a choice among a latte and a macchiato and an espresso and a few other things, but you can also make another choice.
In the U.S., a big maker of so-called squeezable fruit is Peter Rabbit Organics, a closely held British firm with products in more than 8,000 outlets, including 6,000 Starbucks Corp. coffee shops.
Yet Starbucks has marched successfully into Britain, France and Germany, and it has even found success in Vienna, the Austrian capital, which gave birth to the coffeehouse.
But is the company aware of the risk it is taking by challenging the very birthplace of cafe society?
While Starbucks - which has 1300 stores in Europe - has been scaling back on its European expansion, McDonald's has ambitious growth plans for its branded cafes on the continent.
"I love the French cafes, but Starbucks is so popular in the States and it's become part of American culture and now it's come to France, and that's OK," she said.
Others here think they could come round to the idea of Starbucks, though for them it would never replace the corner cafe or the typical Parisian petit noir coffee .
Most cities in the country have coffee shops that provide a roughly similar cup of coffee--and similarly comfortable atmosphere--at much lower prices.
Most cities in the country have coffee shops that provide a roughly similar cup of coffee--and similarly comfortable atmosphere--at much lower prices.