• 如果屏幕缓冲区控制台窗口,控制台会自动显示滚动,以使控制台窗口可以屏幕缓冲区上重新定位

    If the screen buffer is larger than the console window, the console automatically displays scroll bars so the console window can be repositioned over the screen buffer area.


  • 日程表视图,当中的所有日程表标题信息无法完全显示时,一天显示一个横向滚动

    When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar.


  • 可能需要使用定位右边滚动条显示这个区域

    You may need to use the scrollbar located to the right to display this field.


  • 如果这个选项false,那么LiveGrid装载没有任何数据,直到单击一次滚动之后显示数据。

    If you set this option to false the LiveGrid will not have any data when it loads. It will only show data once you click on the scrollbar.


  • 由于一个本地元素,因此不可能插件起冲突—就是说不影响显示比如视频不会干扰滚动

    Because it's a native element, there won't be struggles with plug-ins-like the plug-in reloading after the CSS is changed-or with the display, such as the video interfering with scroll bars.


  • 如果由于滚动原因使子元素不能显示容器可见区域内那么它仍然存在内容面板中

    If a child isn't visible in the container's visible area due to scroll bars, it still exists in the content pane.


  • 清单32中的代码显示LZX应用程序,应用程序使用垂直滚动一个水平滚动条

    The code in Listing 32 shows an LZX application that USES one vertical scrollbar and one horizontal scrollbar.


  • 可以使用鼠标键盘左右控制滚动条进行滚动显示日程表标题信息其余部分。

    You can use a mouse or the keyboard left and right arrow keys to scroll with the bar, and you can display the rest of the header information for calendar entries.


  • 如果设置推荐列表高度少于返回数目将会在下拉栏自动显示垂直滚动条

    If you set the height of the suggestion list to a number less than the number that is returned, that will automatically turn on vertical scrolling in the dropdown.


  • 指定是否显示水平垂直滚动默认肯定的。

    Specifies whether to display horizontal and vertical scroll bars. The default is yes.


  • 2显示用户单击一次滚动条LiveGrid看上去样子

    Figure 2 shows what the LiveGrid would look like after the user had clicked on the scrollbar once.


  • 完整网页通常设计适合全屏显示通常不会Portlet窗口滚动(特别是水平滚动条)视为良好用户界面(UI)设计

    Full Web pages are usually designed to fit a full screen, and scroll bars (especially horizontal ones) within a portlet window are typically not considered good user interface (UI) design.


  • 垂直滚动宽度水平滚动条高度对于特殊视频驱动程序显示分辨率来说常量

    The width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar are constant for a particular video driver and display resolution.


  • 介绍一种利用滚动显示媒体播放当前位置控制媒体演播进度的方法

    This paper introduces how to use scroll bar to display current playing position and control playing course of multimedia system.


  • 每个对应文本滚动位置显示客户顶端

    Each position of the scroll bar corresponds to a line of text displayed at the top of the client area.


  • 需要单个页面呈现众多内容时,只有两种方法实现要么完全利用显示宽度要么直接利用垂直滚动条

    When you need to present a lot of information on a single page, there are only two ways to do that: either you use the entire width offered by a display or you just make use of vertical scrolling.


  • 使能够设置默认缩进制表符大小拖放行为编辑模拟是否显示编辑器的边距滚动

    Lets you set indent and TAB sizes, drag-and-drop behavior, editor emulation, and whether to display the editor margins and scroll bars.


  • 日程表视图中,中的所有日程表标题信息无法完全显示时,则一天显示横向滚动

    When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar .


  • 如果不是所有信息可以显示一个屏幕滚动就会出现右边

    If not all information can be shown on one screen, a scrollbar will appear on the right.


  • 应用程序离散文本形式显示对象,可以通过滚动条上下移动

    The application displays objects as discrete lines of text in the box, and the scrollbar moves them up or down.


  • 不幸的是,显示一个垂直的,更大规模甚至水平滚动条

    Unfortunately that makes it display a vertical and, at larger scale, even a horizontal scrollbar.


  • 19 - 1图显示我们熟悉滚动条,是图形用户界面中一种较使用控件

    Figure 19-1: the familiar scrollbar, shown on the left, is one of the more difficult -to-use GUI controls.


  • 滚动信息没有框架完全显示出来时候,就会出现竖直水平滚动

    Scroll bar: When the information is not entirely displayed in the frame, vertical and horizontal scroll bars appear.


  • 网页宽度应该访问者计算机显示适应,避免访问者拖动水平滚动浏览网页内容

    Limit the width of your web pages to fit your visitors' monitors. Your visitors don't want to scroll left to right to see your content.


  • 点击滚动条左侧图标,会显示边栏播放幻灯片,尺寸显示图片提供相册浏览导航

    Icons at the top of the scroll pane reveal the sidebar, start a slide show, show an image's full-size version, and provide navigation to move through the album.


  • 中等尺寸图片显示水平滚动上方的区域中,而相册缩略图则显示滚动条下方页面底部

    The intermediate-sized version of an image is displayed above a horizontal scroll pane containing album thumbnails at the bottom of the page.


  • 中等尺寸图片显示水平滚动上方的区域中,而相册缩略图则显示滚动条下方页面底部

    The intermediate-sized version of an image is displayed above a horizontal scroll pane containing album thumbnails at the bottom of the page.


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